Good Guy.

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I woke up incredibly fresh... The next day. I had spent a whole day in bed asleep, I felt 10x times better than ever!

Today I plan on finding a new job and get my life on track, I did like my old job but I wasn't passionate about it anymore and I'd rather spend time doing what I love.

I used Aaron's printer and printed a pile of resumes and went off in the strip to see what's on offer. Did I know what I wanted to do? No. Did I have any ideas? Hell no.

I was a great student and pretty much topped every exam I've ever taken so to be fit and qualified for a job I was certain I could do, I strolled around Vegas and strolled upon a dog shelter having a puppy day. I got distracted and went and had a look at the dogs.

"Aww" I gushed at all the puppies, I scooped one up and cuddled her. "I could take you home!" I squealed.

"She's adorable" a lady came up to me.

"Too cute!" I was still gushing, she wagged her tail and all my resumes fell out. "Sorry."

"Resumes? Looking for work?" She picked up my resumes and took a quick scan. "We are looking for people?" She hinted at me.

"I'm Veronica" I held my hand out.

"I'm Kate, would you like a job?" She offered. "It's not much work at the moment but in a few months a whole heap of us are leaving so work would soon become more."

"Yes omg yes!" I hugged Kate. "Sorry! I've just been down in the dumps and this is just what I need!" I put the dog back down and headed inside with Kate to sign a few papers.

I glared around the clinic and notice a few photos containing Zak in them, my Zak. "Is that Zak Bagans?" I questioned Kate.

"Yes, he is heavily involved with the Nevada SPCA." She smiled. "He is a lovely man, he is expected to visit soon. Okay, Veronica you can start next week." She handed over keys and a spare uniform.

"Thank you so much! Am I able to look around at the animals for a bit longer?" I asked.

"Sure, maybe you'll be able to meet Zak." She winked at me and headed back outside.

"Mmm already know him" I smiled to myself.

I went back outside and went over to the bigger dogs, I wanted to take them all home. I couldn't wait to start my new job.


I stood back up noticing the familiar voice calling my name. "Zak." I glanced up at him. "What are you doing?"

"Surely Kate would've filled you in on the part I play here?" He teased.

"Did you set me up with this job?" I was surprised.

"No- wait you gotta job!?" He acted surprised.

"You seriously had nothing to do with it?" I questioned him.

"Nope. Honestly didn't even think of it, but congrats?" He shrugged.

"You look good" I licked my lips and came closer to him. "So good."

"Mmm you look great yourself missy" Zak skimmed the area and then came crashing down on my lips. "Taste even better."

Zak stood back as more and more people flooded the area, gushing at the dogs and some even gushing over Zak. Competition and jealously never looked good on me, a few girls would wave then wink at him but he didn't seem to flicker not once. "Look you've got some age appropriate ladies over there" I pointed at the group.

"So I tell you I like you and you don't believe me I guess?" He ignores the women cooing over him and faced me.

"We like each other, there's no commitment between us." I argued and I was right, it's not like we decided to date.

"I couldn't have mind blowing sex then go back to having sex with ordinary girls. Roni you blow my mind and my" he smirked down at his pants, secretly pointing at his crouch.

"Any plans tonight?" He asked.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"You wanna come over?" He lent forward and brought his lips tony ear. "And maybe come over and over?" He pulled away smiling.

I stood there gawking at him, my face felt flushed and I was lost for words. I had people pointing at us, starring at us and I couldn't seem to focus. "Roni?" Zak laughed.

"I'll be there" I nodded while looking around us. "Now k don't want to cause a scene so I'm leaving." I blew Zak a kiss and headed back to my car.


"What you got there missy?" Aaron called in from the lounge room, I guess with all these bags he heard me come in.

"I caved and went shopping after, are you ready?" I walked in surprised. "I got a job! YIPPIE!"

"Alright Roni!" Aaron swooped me up in his arms and spin me around. "How awesome! Where at?"

"At Nevada SPCA. Apparently Zak does some work for the Nevada SPCA?" I asked knowing he'd be suspicious as how I got the job.

"Did he help?"

"Nope. He was shocked to see me there in the first place and it was a shock to me to see him heavily involved with them."

"Yea he is, does an amazing job. See people see Zak as like a rude, self absorbed douche bag but he isn't. He is one of me most honest guys I've met, yes he has made a few wrong turns but everybody does." He defended Zak, it was amazing how Aaron saw him.

"What about the times he has put you at risks in investigations?"

"He taught me to be strong, to conquer my fears. See Zak is a strong man but sometimes we have to be the stronger ones, he gets scared easy. I don't care what anyone says but Zak has taken me above and beyond this life, he has shown me what I'm made of."

"That's beautiful" I teared up and went over to hug Aaron. "He is a good guy isn't he?"

"Yes." Aaron exhaled in my arms.

Limits.  (Zak Bagans Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora