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"And where did you run off to missy?" The next morning Aaron waltz into the kitchen with the biggest grin of his face.

"Hmm nothing" I tried to swallow my laugh.

"Well Zak's already spilled his guts so you should share your side of the story." He threw a berry into his mouth, thinking how good he was when really he was a tease.

"We kissed." Aaron jumped off the chair and shouted loudly 'yippie'. "Aaron sssh!" I rushed over to him to close his mouth.

"I'm so proud." He soon settled. "What is on your neck?!" He yelled.

"Oh shit" I ran off to the closet mirror and was amazed to see the mark Zak left. "Well.." I mumbled to myself.

"Guessing he's a biter" Aaron came over to tease. "He did a good job!" His fingers traced the mark on my neck.

Later that arvo Aaron headed over to Zak's museum and left me home alone, I took leave from work and started to look for a new job. I finally got a taste of freedom with getting rid of Carter and now my job was next, I loved it but I wasn't happy and I definitely needed a change.

I pulled out the paper and started to search, there was a lot of things I was qualified for but nothing took my interest so I decided to take a nap.

And then my phone rang..

'Mm hello?'

'What are you wearing?'

'Pants-- wait who is this?'

'It's Zak, ha you were really going to tell me you're wearing pants? C'mon Veronica give me some vivid imagination'

'I can tell you I'm wearing a huge hickie'

He quietly laughed.

'Why didn't you come to the museum?'

'Aaron didn't say I could come. I'm looking for a new job so it was best I stay here and look'

'But you were asleep right?'


'Wanna see me again?'



Then he hung up, leaving me on edge.

"That was weird." I shook my head and placed my phone in my pocket, then my phone rang again.

'You were saying?'



Holy fuck.

'I love you Roni, please give me a shot?'

'Carter y-you're cheating on me'

'I don't love her though'

'But you don't love me either, you slept with her!'

'I'm a changed man, I can't deal with you living there and not here. I need you.'

'Carter no.'

I hung up my phone and ran off to get my running shoes, I headed off for a run and tried to focus my mind on something else like Zak.

The flashbacks of our night together crept in my mind and I started to stumble. I remember his hands roaming my body understanding every inch of me, it's like his hands had a secret language with my body.

I stopped and rested my hands on my knees, the crave and desire to have him was taking over my body. I got back up and kept running, I needed to get this all off my mind. The passion was driving me crazy, but is there any other way to live?

I sprinted all the way home dying to pee, as I reached the driveway and noticed an extra car. There was Aaron's, mine and Zak's Mercedes, apart of me was thrilled he was back and the other half didn't want him to see me all sweaty. As I approached the house I saw the blinds flicker and instantly was curious to see who that was.

I opened the door and was immediately shoved into the other room and pushed up against the wall.

"Zak!" I panted.

"Holy fuck Veronica, look at you" he took in my whole body and licked his lips. "Those pants make your ass look fucking amazing."

"I need to pee" I blurted out, Zak smiled and picked me up holding me again this waist.

"This shall be fun" he started to grind his hips against me and I softly squealed in pleasure and torture. This man was going to kill me.

"I'm your master."

"Yes oh god" I wanted to cry out in pain but I knew that'd lead Aaron to come and find us nearly fucking in his house.

"I have a deep desire to know how much your body can take." He hissed along my chest as he licked them, his face dug deeper and he started to nibble on my nipples.

"Hey Zak!" Aaron called making us both scared, Zak placed me back on the ground but I threw myself in the floor as my knees were too weak to hold me.

Zak looked down on me and smirked, he left the room and took Aaron away from this room so I could escape. I tried to stand but my knees buckled under me and I ended back on the floor. I decided to do the unthinkable and crawl into the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

"Oh good god" I released in pleasure, I was still panting from my encounter with Zak. Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about and I definitely couldn't tell anyone maybe Ashley.

There was no telling what could happen next with Zak and I, I was excited and nervous as Zak was keeping me on my toes.

Limits.  (Zak Bagans Fan Fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu