Dose of Reality.

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Last time I was in Seattle I was happy, so very happy but now I was miserable. All I wanted was Zak. To be cuddled in his bed, cooking together or bumming around just talking. It always made me think someone who is so very consistent and busy with work he made time for me.

I had arrived at my soon to be old house, the rooms were big and beautiful. This was a house I've dreamt about and now it's gives me nightmares.

"Roni" Carter came through the kitchen. "You're here early."

"Let's do this Carter, I don't wanna fuck around." I slammed the papers down. "So where's this lawyer you have?"

Carter smiled, a smile that was scaring me. He was positively giddy and do you know why? Because Helen, my mother was the lawyer. She stepped forward to shake my hand. "It's a hand Veronica, your mothers hand." She winked at me.

"You think your tough?" I ignored Helen and turned my focus to Carter. "I've already got my papers done, sighed. I want nothing from him or even you!" I spat at Helen.

"But Roni, you need to sign my papers. The judge hasn't signed yours." They both giggled thinking they've owned me.

"Wrong. So very wrong, thankfully my handwriting is perfection and I signed your name. Judge has written it off and I'm done." I dusted my hands. "D. O. N. E" I laughed and headed out.

I was a free women, no longer wired to Carter, the house or now my mother.

"Roni!" Carter chased me out.

"Please don't. Look, I'm not the bitch you think I am. I'm devastated we broke but it wasn't working. I'll always care about you Carter but let me move on."

"No. I uhh understand all that. I haven't told my parents and I would love to go out and have dinner and maybe you can tell them? You know how I always disappoint them" he lowered his head. "I'm sorry about all my actions and including getting your mother involved today. I'm just hurt."

"Where? Dinner where we eating?" I scoffed.

"Lil Nik, the Italian down by the bay" he smiled.

"I'll meet you there at 7pm" instead of shaking his hand or smiling I just walked off.

I arrived at my hotel and rang Zak, he'd be happy to hear that everything is settled. The phone rang and rang and rang some more but nothing, apart of me felt let down but I knew he'd be busy so I left a text.

I rolled over on my bed and soon found myself shutting my eyes. Everything was heavy and blurry and so I gave up and closed my eyes.

You'll be sorry for leaving.

He won't be okay.

I heard voices running down my ear and I soon jumped up and stumbled around the room. "Hello?" I shook my head as no one was here but the voice was the same one I've heard from Zak's house and his museum.

I tried ringing Zak only this time making sure he was okay and just like before nothing... no answer so I rang Aaron and no answer. I contemplated on ringing Bacon when I noticed the time 6:30pm, crap!

I shoved on a little black dress, red heels and rushed myself down to the bag to meet up with Carter and his dysfunctional parents. As I noticed them up ahead I pulled out my phone and turned it to silent, I did wanna hear from Zak but maybe he was busy?

"Veronica" his mum called me. I rolled my eyes and forced a smile. "You've lost weight!" She gleamed.

"MUM!" Carter hissed. "None of that tonight." He closed his fist and held them by his side tight.

"Carter" I hissed softly at him. I'd like to see his mother punched in the face but not by him. "Shall we?" I took the lead and we headed in a soon were seated.

"So wedding plans?" His mother started to drink.

"Umm Roni?" Carter laughed nervously.

"We aren't getting married. We've actually broken up and tonight we've come to tell you." I looked over to Carter who looked like he was going to be sick.

"W-what! How long?" His mother was distressed.

"A few months now, when Roni went back to Vegas." Carter's phone rang. "Sorry." He excused himself and headed outside, lucky bastard.

"It's that Zak boy isn't it?" She gave me the death stare. "He is no good." She had another sip.

"You don't know who he is." I firmly told her.

"Demonic boy, ghost whisperer, he'll never have time for you. Isn't he constantly on the road? Forever haunted by what he does?" She shook her head. "Waste of breath."

I slammed my fist down. "Fuck you! You don't know him, so fuck you and fuck your opinions of him!" I was causing a scene.

"Does he trust you? Around Aaron? Does Aaron get jealous?" She was making a mockery of me now.

"Stop it!" I grunted.

"You're a sick girl, going from one friend to the next. Actually I'm glad you're not marrying my son, a slut like you belongs in Vegas." As soon as the words came out my fist connected with her fake nose.

I took my stuff and ran before the security caught me, I rushed back to my apartment and stared to crying out of anger. I pulled out my phone and called Zak again, still no answer and from this evenings dinner I was now worried. I left him voicemail after voicemail and received nothing back.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I howled.

Try this.

I looked over to where I heard the voice and there was a large bottle of tequila.

Do it.

So fuck it, I did it. I drank the whole bottle.

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