I'm Here.

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He was so close! His hands fumbled with the door knob, he was arms length away and I still couldn't face him. I heard them leave, I heard Zak speak good of me which is kind considering I've been nothing but a bitch to him.

What would really happen if I went to see Zak?

I started in the corner of the room crying and trying to find an answer on what to do. So I did what I knew best, call Ash.


"Ash, its Roni." It was quite. "Ash?"

'Where the fuck have you been? Oh god Roni!'

"Don't scream. Please?"

'Where are you?'

"Aaron's. Come see me, I'm here alone." So I hung up and waited for Ash to come.


"Roni!" Ash gasped and hugged me tight. "I've missed you! Where have you been? Look at you? So thin and...." she was lost for words.

"Looking like shit? Yep that's me." I tried to make a joke but Ash's face had the saddest look. "I've out done myself, run myself to the ground."

"Where were you?" Her hands gripped my shoulder. "You know what you've done to Zak?"

"Helen is dead. She had cancer, I helped her." The tears started to roll. "She intervened in my life and got Sonya to ring Aaron and say shit about Carter and myself. Clearly Aaron told Zak and they lost their minds, no one would answer my calls and then Aaron finally did."

"Then?" She rushed me.

"Then I attacked Sonya. Then I found Helen at my house and that's when we spoke. She might have destroyed my life but at the end of the day she is my mother and she was sick, I did my best and that's why I stayed in Seattle." I took her hands off my shoulder and walked to the kitchen.

"Are you going back?" I shot her a look. "Are. You. Going. Back?"

"I ended my life there. Nothing is there, I'm here now to live my life. I want to say sorry to Zak but I don't know if he'll listen and right now I'm not prepared for anyone to know I'm back. I need time."

"I'll be honest, I don't know what Zak's going through. Jay says he is alright but I don't think so. He isn't sleeping again, he is constantly asking everyone if they've heard from you." She shrugged her shoulders. "But you need to tell him you're here, you're back. He shouldn't have to worry for nothing."

I knew she was right but I wanted to remain a secret, I didn't want people finding me because once they know I'm back the questions start and I don't know if I have the answers. I don't even know what to say to Zak, I don't even know if he'll listen to me.

"Look I--" Ashley stopped as we both heard car doors slam and talking, two men talking, these men being Zak and Aaron. "Fuck" she whispered.

"I gotta hide!" I panted and headed upstairs.

"Oh shit oh shit!" Ashley stood in the middle of the lounge room panicked as to what she should do. "I shouldn't be here!" She hissed at me.

"Say you were looking for me? Maybe I was home? Something! Anything!" I ran off and locked myself in Aaron's ensuite.

"Ash?" Aaron opened the door. "What?" He squeaked.

"Any sign of Roni?" She stumbled.

"Ashley what is going on?" Zak spoke to Ash. "Aaron?"

"I uh-- no idea. I don't know!" Aaron panicked.

"I wanted to see how the search for Roni is going, Aaron gave me a key a few days ago. Um in case I needed to be here for umm anything."

We were so going to be busted, Zak was going to hate me if I knew I was here. I'm such an idiot.

"I give up looking for her. She is a big girl." Zak spoke. He sounded angry but not bothered. "She ran away."

"Ran away" I whispered to myself. I didn't run, I just didn't come back when I was supposed to. Why would he think I ran away? I wanted to escape the room and storm downstairs and push him, scream at him and tell him I didn't run. Everyone knew I was returning to Seattle, why would he think this!

"Hey Aaron you have my hat still in your room?"

"Yea bro, on the bedside table" Aaron told him.

"No don't go up there!" As footsteps hit the stair cases Ashley cried out.

"Why?" Zak stopped.

"Umm shit." Ashley's voice was shaking.

"Ashley what's gotten into you?" The foot steps started to continue up the stairs. I peaked through the door and saw Zak walk in, looking more handsome than anything.

He found his hat and was about to leave until he spotted a picture by the bed which had Aaron, Zak and me in it. He exhaled deeply and sat on the bed examining the photo.

"Where are you?" He gasped. "Please." Hugged the photo and put it back on the stand.

"Here" I opened the door and Zak nearly had a heart attack.

"AARON!" He screamed the house down and footsteps frantically paced up the stairs and in bolted Aaron and Ashley.

"Fuck." Aaron gasped.

"What. Are you doing here!" Zak yelled and reached out for me grabbing my arm hard.

"I'm back." I cowered. "Please let me go."

"YOU LEFT!" He screamed in my face.

"Fuck man let her go!" Aaron tried to pull him off but as you'd imagine Zak was stronger.

"I NEVER RAN AWAY! YOU KNEW I WAS LEAVING, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT IVE BEEN THROUGH! NOW LET ME GO!" I screamed at him causing him to loosen his grip and back away from me.

"I came back. I told you I would." I rolled my eyes and left the room.

"Veronica!" Zak called out.

"No!" I held him at arms length. "No. don't follow me. Don't touch me."

I couldn't believe the rage Zak had in him, I couldn't believe he was accusing me of leaving.

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