Under Possession.

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Zak's POV

Fuck. Fuck. Holy mother of fuckery. My museum was a wreck.

"Roni!" I shouted. You could hear music being played down the basement, I was hoping she wasn't there but as soon as I saw light from the stair case I knew she was.

"ZAK LET ME GO!" She screamed repeatedly. "NO!"

I swallowed the fears I had and ran downstairs to save her from I'm guessing me. As Aaron followed me, he pushed me through the door and there she was. Covered in blood, tied up and physically sick.

A black shadow hovered her body pretending to be me. I could tell he was making her sick, Roni squirmed around in her chains, naked. I couldn't bare to look at her, I turned to see Aaron already in action.

"LEAVE! LET HER GO!" I demanded. I rushed off and brought holy water in. "LEAVE THIS PLACE!"

"He won't leave! I'm sorry Aaron! Zak I'm sorry!" She had her eyes closed. "I love you Zak!" And that was all I needed to hear and I was fired up, ready to be the hero.

"Dude we need her out of here!" Aaron tried to pull of the chains but wasn't successful.

"I'll do it." I somehow found the power, found the strength and ripped Roni away from the chains. "I got you baby!"

Roni cried and shook her head. "He is behind you! Baby!" She whack my face back hard only to save my life, I smiled at her and tried to drag her.

She is mine. She needs to see the real Zak. Who is the real Zak. It spoke with such terror, such power and such evil.

"I am Zak. The real me is this, a normal guy! I love Roni and you won't stop me from saving her and her soul!" I shouted into the room and all I received was a deathly laugh back.

Zak take her. She needs to rid this attachment, save her. Protect her. A kind voice drifted through the room.

"How many fucking ghosts do you have?" Aaron pushed me. "See why I can't have Roni here! Look around you!" He yelled at me. "Attachment? Great!" He laughed as he pulled Roni up the stairs.

I shook off Aaron's words and begun the cleansing.

More Zak! More! You can beat him! You can beat him! The kind voice flew through my ears. "Who are you?"

It's Gran, my dear. I need to you save Roni, I need you to protect Roni.

My Gran. I had to stop the cleansing and pull myself together, I had made very limited contact with her and all of a sudden she is here. Protecting me.


The torture seemed to have left the room, it was quite. No fears trembling through my body but there was one fear. The fear I had when I turned to see Aaron crying over Roni's motionless body.

"She's... she's.. not breathing" he cried and cried. I raced to my phone and dialled the paramedics.

"Aaron she will be okay. She has to" I patted him on the back. "Get our stuff together and I'll stay with Roni. She'll pull through this. I need to cleanse her while she's out."

I opened up the holy water and doused her body, saying prayers and giving her my love.

Keep her alive Zak, you need Roni as much as she needs you.

"I'm trying Gran. Believe me, I'm trying" I looked over my shoulder as I felt a hand touch me, it sent a loving feeling down my body. "I feel you."

"Zak the paramedics are here!" Aaron came back in with three other men.

"What's happened?" One of the looked at the blood especially between Roni's legs and looked at me. "Rape?"

I stood up and was nearly ready to smash his face in, Aaron held me back thankfully. "Don't you dare insinuate that I'd do that! I would never hurt her!"

"Hey you're Zak Bagans" the young paramedic Josh spoke up. "Is this like a attachment, it's okay guys." He settled the others.

"Thanks bro" I patted Josh's shoulder and turned to Aaron. "Hey it's okay. "

"Dude we've fucked her life. All this ghost shit, what if nothing works. She'll be doomed for life. What if they convince her to kill herself?" Aaron started to panic.

"Guys we'll take her. Seems like an act of rape and loss of air. Has she been in hospital previously with any of these symptoms?"

"She was in hospital months ago, lack of air. We- we didn't think she'd make it." Aaron was practically chewing his nails away.

"Okay thanks. If you wanna follow or come you're more than welcome." Josh smiled.

As we all started to follow them there was a commotion outside the ambulance bus and it involved Roni.

"Where am I? What is this? Aaron! Zak!" Roni has pushed herself off the bed and ran into my arms covering me in blood. "Zak I'm scared. What is happening?" She clung onto my whole she whispered to me.

"Baby you've been possessed and we need you to go to the hospital." I tried to ease my way in and make it sound not horrible.

"Is it because I didn't say I loved you? Cause I do? I didn't mean to go into that room! I was pushed" she cried out.

"What do you mean? Roni you didn't know I was here?" I pulled her up close.

"When didn't you say it?" Aaron grabbed Roni out of me.

"After we made love" she whispered to me. "Remember then I left, then you guys pulled me out now?" Her eyes widen.

Did Roni not know she's lived, does she not know this incident she is talking about happened months ago. Was Roni's attachment over taking her body?

"No honey that happened a while ago, Roni you've been in Seattle for weeks. You and Zak broke up, your mother passed." Aaron cuddled her.

"What!" She pushed Aaron away. "We didn't break up? No no no!" She started to hyperventilate and went into shock. The paramedics restrained her on the bed and took her away.

"We'll get some antibiotics into her, fluids and more air. Follow us please" they slammed the car doors and hopped in.

"Dude" Aaron gasped.

"She's been possessed ever since that incident." I held my hands around my face. "She doesn't remember a thing?"

"That's why she's been weird" Aaron was putting pieces together. "Hence why she's been moody."

We wasted no time in getting to the hospital but we were too late, the nurses had taken Roni into surgery to close up her wounds, blood transfusions and a brain scan. All we could do was wait around and panic.

Oh man I hated the waiting game.

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