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"It looks like you're having quite a good time...?" Namjoon trailed of, looking between Jin and Jimin.

"So what is wrong with that?" I raised my eyebrows, showing my smile.

"Yeah what is wrong with it GUYS?" Taehyung looked at them sharply in the eyes.

"Uhm" Namjoon coughed. "I mean everything is good! Hahah.."

Awkward silence.

I really have no idea what the hell are they preferring at, but we will see...

I stood up bringing everyone attention towards me.

"It was great playing with you, but I think I should be going, Mira is going to kill me if she finds me here soo.."

"HELLO!~" a singing voice erupted in the room. I quietly cursed. Of course it had to be Mira, followed by Hoseok and Jungkook. When they saw me, their mouths gaped open, especially Mira's.

"What are you doing here?" Mira asked a few minutes later. Her voice sounded shaky, indicating that she was scared of something.

"I was wondering the same thing" Hoseok looked at Taehyung, then back at me. Mira climbed over the couch and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the room.

"What the hell are--"

"Shush" she shushed me. "What were you doing there with him??"

"What? What do you mean? Can't I?" I shrugged.

"I mean.. YOU DONT REMEMBER HIM.." she whisper shouted, so that the others won't hear.

"So what? Can't I bring my memory back by hanging out with him?" I looked at her confused.

"You can, but you surely don't want to, okay? When you'll get your memory back, I don't think your now little 'relationship' is going to be on good terms." Mira said.

"I'm sorry... what?" I raised my eyebrows. Her small talk didn't click into my mind at all.

"Whatever.. just don't get too attached okay? I don't want you to be....uh you know never mind..let's go" she shook her head and suddenly smiled, letting go of my arm, and walking past me. She left me there more confused than I've ever been confused.

What the hell does she mean by that??


I walked inside my bedroom and looked around. It feels like I wasn't here for a whole year, but in reality it only had been 3 months..

"Do you want something to eat sweetie?" I heard my moms voice from downstairs.

"No, thanks. I'm good!" I yelled back, opening the door and then closing it again. I sat on the seat in front of my desk and looked at the notes that were laying there. I picked one of them and started reading it.

It looks like these are the lyrics of a song.

Wait.. did I wrote this?

I can't remember though.. maybe that guy wasn't the only thing that I forgot..

I picked one more piece of paper that were laying around not that far away and read those too.

These are songs lyrics for sure.

Maybe I did.. maybe I did write songs.. but I can't remember and it's actually so annoying.

"Why can't I remember anything!" I whined, throwing the papers up so that they were now scattering around the room. I sighed and leaned my back in the chair. I looked to my right and there, on the wall, was hell of a lot of photos. I scooted closer. I saw my friends, my family photos and.... Taehyung? There I was piggyback riding him. And we were smiling, looking so happy.

"ISEUL!" My dad's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What?!" I yelled from my room.

"We're going out! Just wanted to tell you!" He screamed back and soon I heard the front door being closed.

Cool. Now I'm home alone.

I gazed away from the photos towards my bed. I jumped on it and laid down. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep a little bit. But I just couldn't. I guess, I'm just not that tied to let sleep consume me. I turned to my side and stared at the window.

Then I saw a something shining on the windowsill. I sat up and looked at it again, but it wasn't close enough for me to reach. So I grabbed it by standing up. I sat on the windowsill while carefully taking a look at the shining thing. It wasn't shining for real, just because of the sun, it reflected. By now I was staring at a necklace. It was quite familiar to my eyes, but I couldn't point out from where I got that. Then a quick memory pierced through my mind.


"This is for you Iseul." He said, giving the beautiful necklace to me. I looked at it and my mouth gaped open. "Look I've the same one."

"Thank you! But.. what does it mean?"

"That we won't ever part again...and if we do, we will find each other more easily." He hugged me.

"I can't believe that I've such an amazing best friend" I smiled at him.

"Me too.. Oh no..." he groaned, when a few little droplets of rain started to come out of the sky. "Let's go, before it starts to rain too hard."

"Yeah" I laughed at him as he took my hand and ran towards a shelter to hide away from the rain.

We stood, while gazing how the rain fell on the ground. Without him noticing, I slowly let my eyes gaze upon him.

How much my heart is going to hold on?



I'm so sorry for not updating this long!
:( I just took a little break of writing I guess... I'm sorry again, hope you liked this part! ^_^ Love you all!


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