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When we were almost half way through the walk, I stopped like fifth time that night.

"No Taehyung.. I can't.." I mumbled, trying to let go of his hand but he refused.

"It's like a millionth time when you're stopping, c'mon let's go" he whined. "It'll get dark and colder, and I promise you when we will get there, everyone is going to be asleep. Don't you trust me?"

"Knowing what a weird person you could be, the answer is no. I don't trust you" I said.

"Geez Iseul, please let's go" he pouted as he turned to me fully.

"Okay, but I have a question.." I looked at him.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Why were you walking this late at night?" I asked.

"Oh. I guess I needed some fresh air.." He shrugged. "Remember what I said to you three years ago when it was the last day being together?"

It took me quite a while to recall words he said, but I finally remember it. I nodded. "You said that no matter where we'll be, the moon will always be in the same spot, so that we could look at it and know that we are under him, no matter where we are.."

"Yeah. That explains a lot why I left the dorms today. I wanted to see the sky, full of stars and only one white moon, so that I could remember myself that maybe you're looking at it too" he smiled and looked up. I followed his gaze at the dark night sky. The moonlight lit up his face, which made him seem more mystical than he was before. It surprised him, when I interrupted my fingers with his. He glanced at his hand.

"I don't want you to rush.." He said above a whisper.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You said you didn't want to fall in love.." He looked down.

"But that doesn't mean I can't stop myself from liking someone" I smirked. "Let's go V, you said that it's getting cold"

"Wait, you called me V??" He gasped.

"I did" I chuckled. "You don't like it?"

"Well that was...just unexpected.." He dramatically sighed. I rolled my eyes and let him drag me again.


"I promise you, they fall asleep by now." He said when we looked in front of us. The lights were off. And the house completely fell in darkness.

"Alright. But where I'm going to sleep?" I asked before we went in.

"In my room of course" he smiled like an idiot.

"What?!" I said, maybe to loudly.

"Shh I was just joking" he shushed me and chuckled. "You really think that in this massive house we don't have any guests rooms?" He made a big circle with his hands. Then moving to unlock the door.

"Alright, fine. I was actually expecting you to not be joking and invite me in your room..but never mind.." I let out a fake, sad sigh. He immediately jumped and turned to me.

"You do?" He gulped.

"Yes, and you wanna know something?"

"What is it?" He asked with bright eyes.

"I was joking too" I smirked and walked in, like a champion, that just defeated its enemy. I heard him growl and follow me in, closing the door behind him. You know that thing when everything becomes louder at night? That was just what was happening right now. Taehyung calmly walked towards the staircase without making any sounds, while I on the other hand, stepped one step towards him, and it eventually made a squealing sound on the hard wooden floor.

"Ah geez, gotta do everything by myself.." I heard Taehyung walking towards me again. When I fully got to see him, he rolled his eyes and rolled up his shirt sleeves.

"What are you doi--OH" I almost shouted, when he picked me bridal style and walked up the stairs. He slowly opened the door and walked in, closing the door the same way he opened it. Then I felt some comfortable sheets under me and just then I realised he had put me down.

And just then I realised I still held my hand around his neck. And just then I realised he leaned closer. And just then I felt his lips on mine. Why does it feel so good? This time was different because I managed to reply, using my hands to bring him even closer. Why does he make me feel this way?

"Tea-hyung..." Yeah that was what came out of my attacked mouth. "We should stop..."

"I'm sorry... I just can't keep...my hands away from you.." (A/N: It's not dirty alright, calm down) he said between small kisses, we both shared. "I wanted to do this long time ago, but I never got a chance, because that stupid Jungkookie came in my way, and then this big thing happened.."

"Stupid Jungkookie?" I pulled off and chuckled. "How dare you?"

"Really..?" He frowned pulling me again towards him.

"Wait!" I stopped him, by putting my hands on his chest to keep him away. "What does it makes us now? Friends? Friends with benefits? Something more? I don't understand.."

"What do you want to be?" He said that popular phrase, everyone uses.

"I don't know...yet.." I let him go and turned to my right, falling on the sheets. It got silent and I was starting to think that he left. Somehow the weight didn't lift off the bed. I sighed and tried to close my eyes, maybe I should get some sleep. But I couldn't because I still felt someone's heavy stare burning at my back. I couldn't keep in with his stare so I forced myself to get up. "What?" I shot him a glare.

"Nothing" he smiled sheepishly.

"I want sleep. Do you mind getting out of here..?" I gazed towards the door.

"Why can't I stay?" He pouted.

But then I hit me like a truck. This was reality, no dreams related. What happened to me today? I just let my best friend kiss me. It's crazy!

"Iseul?" He asked again when I didn't replied.

"Leave" I only said.

"What?" He got confused and shifted on the bed.

"J-just leave.." I hung down my head.

He doesn't know one thing about me. It's really hard for me to fall in love. And it's getting even more harder to hold myself from falling. For my best friend..

I feel like this part sucked very very much :PP I don't know how to writeee anymore guys help😭😭.. Anyways here is a new part, if you enjoyed please comment and vote if you didn't please do the same.....:DD


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