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When the bell rang again, students started spilling out of classrooms like mad. I just waited for Mira. Finally I saw her.

"Oh hey!" She approached me with a smile. "You ready?"

"Hmh." I nodded when we started walking.

We were walking around for a bit. Mira told me quite a lot about the school and showed me the classrooms.

"So this is where you go to have lunch-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence, when I heard screaming. Like a LOT of screaming.

"What the-" I started. "What's with the shouting?"

"You don't know? BTS are in our school." she grinned, but I just didn't get it.

"BT- who now?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're not kidding? You really don't know who BTS is?.." She laughed. "Well they're a band."


"There are 7 guys. They're so hot! Oh my. I just can't. Half of this school are obsessed with them! I think when you see them, you'll be too." She blushed like crazy.

"I'm not really into bands.." I said. Well that was true.

"O.." She stayed quiet for a moment.

"What happened?" I asked, curiosity blowing my mind.

"They're coming! Look behind you!" she smudged my arm. I scanned my eyes behind me. I saw 7 boys and a hundred of girls around them. "Aren't they hot?!" Mira squealed behind me.

"Well... Not my type." I said coldly, turning to her.

"WHAT?" Mira pinched me in the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I rubbed my arm.

"From what century are you? How could you say they're not your type? Every girl wants to be with them!" Mira looked at me seriously.

"I'm not that girl obviously. Nowadays is just has to be hot hot and HOT, geez.. What about intelligence?" I laughed, walking away. "Should we continue this tour or are you going to fangirl?"

"Oh yeah sorry.." she looked at me. I started to follow her, when she stopped. "Do you know where's you locker?"

"Uhm no.. But principal gave me this with a number on it, so I guess it's the locker number?" I gave her a paper with the number.

"Ohm.. Why do you have to be so lucky..?" Mari said when she saw that number.

"What do you mean?" I looked at the 231 number. What's so lucky about this one?

"Your locker is near Jimin's" she said, clearly daydreaming. Who's Jimin? "Oh, he's one of the boys" she smirked, when she saw my face.

"Okay.. Maybe you can show me where it is?" I shrugged like it wasn't such a big deal. In all honesty, it wasn't. I didn't give a single fuck about who these guys were.

"Sur- Wait! Jimin or your locker?" She laughed.

"Oh my god! You're so annoying! My locker of course!" I passed her.

"Hey!" She couldn't stop laughing.

"Well this isn't funny. I don't understand.." I was interrupted by the bell. "Oh no! Already?"

"What lesson do you have?" Mari asked, looking at the schedule I held. "Oh, it's math. Just turn around the corner, first classroom. Meet me near the canteen. Bye!" she ran off.

Math? I hate math.

I did as she said and finally I was entering the classroom. All eyes looked at me. That's what I hated the most. Attention.

"Why are you late?" The teacher looked at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm new here. I couldn't find the classroom.." I fully entered, closing the door behind me.

"Ah so you must be Iseul?" The teacher smiled. "Call me Mrs. Kim and come to introduce yourself." I nodded. With small steps I finally made it. I stood in front the class. Only some eyes looking at me.

"Hello. I'm Iseul Min" I bowed.

"Ok, class!" Teacher yelled at them. "Iseul sit near...Jin" the boy whose name was said, looked at me. I saw him raise his hand and I bravely went towards and sat beside him. When I was walking some of the girls looked at me with disgust written on their faces. Some words were heard like 'Why she?' 'Ew, she isn't even that pretty'. I guess this 'Jin' is popular or from that band I heard of.

I didn't care what others had to say, as long as I'm involved. That's what gets to me. I'm not that easily offended.

"Kim Namjoon you're not listening again!" The teacher yelled.

"Why can't you just call me Rap Monster? It's better that way.." He smirked to some girls. I just rolled my eyes. That was really cringey, if you ask me. The guy looked at the chuckling girl and threw them a wink with a "im not only a monster with rap, I can be a monster in other ways~"

When he said that you felt like he was the biggest loser of all times. Who even says that and means it? You almost gagged honestly.

Half of the girls squealed. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

"This is a school Kim Namjoon, not a public place. You're getting detention for that" the teacher interrupted his shenanigans. The boy just laughed. "You are always welcomed there."


I finally could escape from reality, when the principal said that it was a free period. It was the third lesson, but the teacher got sick so I'm just sitting in the music room. I wasn't alone. Mira was with me and the rest of class.

"Can you please shut up?" I said to Mira, because she couldn't stop talking about BTS. It got to my nerves too soon.

"Sorry.." She stuttered. "I'm just...I don't know...trying to find a friend?"

"Don't you have other friends?"

"I have, of course. I'm not that quite popular though because people think I'm too optimistic and I talk too much which you just pointed out. My only real friend got sick, so I'm just alone.."

"I understand. I hate when people who don't know me, get the wrong impression.." I said. "Just so you know I tend to be a bit cold and mean at times."

"I have noticed" she smiled. "It's okay with me."

"Good to know" I smiled.
Thank you for reading my story! :) I'm sorry for mistakes. Please vote and comment :)) <3

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