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We were walking in supermarket searching for food, when I was attacked.

"ISEUL!" I was bombarded by Mira. She hugged me so hard I could barely breath.

"H-Hi to y-you too.." I stuttered, hugging her back.

"Oh you're all here" she looked behind me.

"Mira?!" Hoseok pushed in front.

"Hey Hobi" Mira smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok chirped.

"I was searching for some ramen" she chuckled.

"We too!" Hoseok laughed.

"No we don't..?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Shut up" Hoseok gritted turning to him.

"Love birds" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Let's go Jungkook."

"What? Why me?!" Jungkook panicked when Jimin grabbed his arm and was already waking away. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi only stared at them before following them.

"We will go grab some snacks" Namjoon said. "You go search for ramen"

"Okay.." I mumbled.

"Yey! Ramen!" Taehyung jumped, then Hoseok started to do as well.

"Okay okay you kids.. We understand." Me and Mira laughed.

"It should be somewhere there, I think" I pointed to the very end of the supermarket.

"Then let's go" Hoseok grabbed Mira's hand and started walking. I looked at them. Well. Then suddenly Taehyung did the same. I looked at him and he just smiled. I looked down and blushed. Okay, something is wrong with me always blushing..

"We found it!" Mira shouted after a few minutes. Me and Taehyung walked towards them and grabbed a few ramen packs. Well by a few, I mean, about 10 packs, because there is a lot who eats them. While we walked to pay, on the way back we met the others. They had handfuls of sweets and chips. "Are you doing like a sleepover or what?"

"Oh! That's a good idea!" Jungkook smiled. "Let's do a sleepover! Jin?"

"Fine.." He growled nodding, which made everyone happy. I looked at Mira and she at me.

"You too Mira." Hoseok said.


"You'll come with us." Hoseok said and Mira nodded smiling.


"So wait.. Are you like living with them now?" Mira asked, when we were walking towards the van. The guys were already in the car, because we forgot to buy some drinks, so they sent me and Mira to do that.

"It looks like it." I nodded.

"I want to live with you too guys. I think that you'll need a girl friend too, you can't just live with seven guys and pretend it's okay!" She rambled. .

"Then ask them. I can't just let you live there" I laughed. "What about your parents?"

"Oh, they don't care about me that much, to not let me live with my friends." She said. "Anyways, I'll ask Hoseok."

"Of course he'll let you live, what about the others?"

"I'm sure they'll agree." She chuckled. I opened the van's door and we climbed in. Mira sat on Hoseok knees because there was no space.


I was in my room trying to find a spare of pyjamas for Mira. I was already in mine.

"I can't find it, geez!" I frowned, digging into the pile of clothes.

"I can go back, but you come with me, ok?" She sighed, while she sat on my bed. I turned around.

"Do you really want to tho?"

"There's no way I'm going to sleep in my clothes or underwear. Please Iseul. We will just ride the buss and then go back the same way. It'll took about 30 minutes, that's it." She said.

"Okay then." I nodded and we walked downstairs.

"We are going to Mira's" I said as we walked towards the front door.

"Why?" Jungkook's head popped out from the kitchen.

"She will take her pyjamas. Don't worry, we will come shortly" I said. "Tell the others okay?"

"Okay.." Jungkook nodded and was gone again.

It was almost night, so it was already hard to see. We walked towards the buss station and waited for the buss to show. It took about 5 minutes till we the buss came. We payed for the ticket and sat on the seats. It was about 10 minutes journey to her house.

"My parents aren't home by the way" she said unlocking the door. "They went to their friends birthday, so I don't expect them to be back today" we walked inside. It was dark so she turned the light on. "Wait here, I'll grab my things and we'll go." She said jogging upstairs. I nodded and let myself sit on their couch. There was many times I've been here since Mira is my best friend, so there was no new things to see.

Mira was back shortly with a massive bag in her hands.

"What is that?" I pointed at the thing. Massive thing. Autocorrect.

"What do you mean? It's my things of course!"

"Why do you need so many things?! You're only staying for one day!" I laughed.

"So? My beauty self needs care, okay?" She rolled her eyes.

"Fine fine." I held my hands at defence.

"Let's go. I think I've taken enough things." She nodded.

"Are you sure? You should go and check, maybe you forgot something!" I mocked her.

"Stop that." She rolled her eyes again as she playfully pushed me. We walked out of the house and she locked the door. "Wow, I can barely see anything.." She said as we walked outside. I just nodded, but then realised that she couldn't probably see that either.

"Yeah.. Is gotten quite dark.." I said.

"What time is it?" She asked as we walked down the street.

"Um.. It's 11:04 p.m.." I looked at my phone.

"Already?!" She gasped. "We should hurry up. You never know what might happen this late at night." She said and I nodded. Again, I don't think she could see it.


Okay it took about 15 minutes to go back home. The lights were off and it looked like no one was home.

"Don't tell me they started the movie marathon without us.." Mira gasped.

"Let's go find out then." I sighed. Walking towards the door and using the spare key, Namjoon had given to me. The door opened itself, which was kind of creepy. It was like one of those scary movies, where the door opened in a mysterious way and the characters stand in front of the dark house. Cool. "If you play some kind of game, tell us now because I'll kick your ass immediately." I said, not paying attention to the scared Mira and turning the light on.

"OH MY GOSHNESS!!!" Mira shrieked, jumping up, scared from the sight in front of us.

Heuheueu, I left a cliffhanger for u guys :] :D

Who do you think it could be that made Mira & Iseul so scared? :D


Okay I'm done :D

Saranghae! Fighting!

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