Part 48

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This part contains sexual violance, parental consent advised

I woke up startled when the door was slammed open. Thomas staggered in and forgot to close the door. Again the light was blinding, but after a moment or so I got used to it. He came to me and I smelled the alcohol on him. He was extremely drunk, I knew it for sure. He was standing between me and the door, he was only wearing his underwear. He must have been getting ready for bed. He sat down next to me and muttered something incomprehensible, grabbed my chin and pressed his stinking lips on mine. I tried to pull away, but it didn’t work. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down on the ground. My back hurt like hell and I screamed again. I turned my head towards the door and recognized something, but I couldn’t place it. Thomas was trying to choke me, but stopped his attempts when his hands didn’t have enough strength anymore, probably due to the alcohol. He placed his knee on my belly and pinned me down like that. My back rubbing over the floor. Thomas grabbed his knife again and ripped my jeans apart.

‘Daddy?’ I begged.

He didn’t reply. I was too weak to do anything. I tried using wind to push him off me, but I couldn’t get a breeze to pass by. I tried changing again, but it didn’t work. He peeled off my jeans and got on top of me, he grabbed my hands, which are trying to push him away, but I didn’t have the strength to withstand him. He pinned my hands above my head and bit in one of my breasts.

‘You are just like your mother, so pretty, I bet you’re tight too,’ he grunted.

Panicked, realising this was really happening, I looked around. I realised what I knew the other room from.

‘Wolf! Come help.. NOW! He’s going to rape me at my old house! Basement. NOW,’ I yelled into his head.

‘This is your fault too, you killed your mother. No one has sex with me!’ he grunted and he thrusted into me.

I could only scream, while he kept pushing into me. Seconds later he was pulled off me and I heard a low vicious growl. Pain overwhelmed me, my private area was on fire and my wounds burned as well.

‘Don’t. Kill. Him..’

That was the last thing I could manage to say before I was whisked away into a black world of peace and serenity.

I woke up to the soft voice of Wolf, he was singing the song I had hummed for him to fall asleep. I felt my hand being held by someone and everything hurt. The bed I was in felt semi-comfortable. I wanted to open my eyes, but they wouldn’t.

‘Wolf?’ I whispered.

I felt the hand gently squeeze mine.

‘I’m here,’ he whispered back.

‘What happened?’ I asked, still trying to open my eyes.

‘You don’t remember?’

‘I don’t.. I can’t.. Do I? My father.. What happened.. when you came in?’ I asked, with memories flooding back.

‘We.. ehm.. hurt him, Wolf bit his leg and I punched him in the face a few times,’ I heard Charley say.

‘Why can’t I open my eyes?’

‘They are quite swollen from bruises and you have been crying in your sleep,’ Wolf answered, I felt his hand leave mine.

I know it sounds very pathetic, but I started to panic, I wanted his comfort back. After a second or two, I felt his hand on my shoulder, and a cool towel or cloth on my eyes. He gently rubbed my eyes clean and placed the cool cloth on my aching head. I tried to open my eyes again and this time it did work. I saw both Charley and Wolf come into view and noticed a bright white ceiling.

‘Am I in the hospital?’ I asked.

‘Yes, your wounds had to be taken care of, you have several cuts and everything is bruised. I handed your father over to the police, telling him a dog had bitten his leg and the ambulance took you with them,’ Charley told me, pointing at Wolf.

He had changed into a dog after he bit my father as a wolf.

‘They immediately believed the dog had tried to protect you and they petted Wolf on the head,’ Charley chuckled.

‘You have slept a few hours, you don’t have any critical wounds, so you should be able to come home soon,’ Wolf said.

Charley stepped out of the room, to get a nurse and Wolf came closer.

‘Are you okay? We saw..’ he whispered, with pained eyes.

‘Not really,’ I sighed.

‘Will you stay with me?’ I pleaded.

‘I won’t go anywhere, unless you can come with me,’ he promised.

The nurse entered the room, followed by Charley. She did a quick check of my body and gave me something to drink, which I was very thankful for.

‘The doctor will come and check on you in a few minutes, if he approves you can go home. Please call the hospital if your headache remains or when your wounds start to bleed again,’ the woman said and she left.

As she promised, about fifteen minutes later the doctor arrived, he checked me over and sat down at the edge of my bed when he was done.

‘Can you tell me in your words what happened?’ he asked me. ‘These boys have provided their story to the police but I’d like to hear it from you.’

‘I’ve been assaulted by Thomas Evans, he cut me, beat me and.. and..’

My lip started to quiver, I couldn’t say it.

‘It’s okay, don’t worry. You’re safe now,’ the man said.

He came across as a very nice man.

‘Thank you,’ I whispered.

‘You can leave when you’re ready, I’ll send in the nurse to get rid of the IV and monitors,’ he said, giving me a gentle smile and he left.

Forty minutes later we arrived at the house. I immediately noticed my car standing in the driveway. Charley showed me the key.

‘I pulled it out of your jeans, that were laying on the floor, when they took you away. I told the police about your aunt, so Thijn could go there. The sweet little boy was sleeping in his bed when I came upstairs to wake him,’ Charley said. ‘I looked for Elmo, but they must have sold him or something, there was no evidence of a cat living there.’

‘They brought Elmo to a shelter,’ I whispered.

We got out of the car and Wolf lend a hand to give me support.

In the hospital they had put bandages on my arms, my back and even my stomach. I hadn’t realised, but Wolf had told me that my father had slashed my stomach twice as well. They had given me some painkillers for my headache caused by a concussion.

‘What day is it? What time?’ I asked, absolutely disoriented.

‘It’s tuesday, you’ve only been in the hospital for a few hours. It’s two o’clock,’ Charley said, coaxing me inside.

Aviana came running towards me, but Wolf stepped in front of me, taking the impact of her hug. Everyone was surprised, even Aviana, who let him go immediately.

‘She isn’t strong enough and has a lot of wounds,’ he said, a little angry.

‘Oh.. I was just so happy.. Sorry,’ she muttered and looked down.

I stepped by Wolf and gently put my arms around her, telling her it’s okay, she meant well and nothing really happened. They led me into the dining room, which was decorated for my birthday. We ate lunch with everyone and after that Charley teleported me up to my room.

I hadn’t realised before that, that he could take someone with him, but I was glad, now I didn’t have to drag my damaged body up the stairs. With my body weak, I was very tired. I was snuggled into my blankets when a beautiful black cat jumped on my blanket and placed himself near my feet, guarding me.

‘Sleep my dear, I’ll watch over you,’ he promised and like that I fell asleep.

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