Part 2

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The second part of Dyani, I really hope you like it..

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We had to wait for hours, after some time my father asked me if he had to take me home, but I wanted to stay.

‘I’ll have to bring Thijn home, he has to go to bed,’ he told me, while dialing the number of our neighbours.

‘I won’t go, I want to stay here,’ I answered.

‘That’s fine, call me if anything changes.’

I didn’t have a cellphone, it broke a month ago and I had to wait for my paycheck to buy a new one. I had all my important numbers written down in my notebook, which I always carried in my bag. However, today my father surprised me. He went into his pocket and gave me a cellphone, it was my mothers.

‘I will call you, as soon as anything happens,’ I promised.

He gave me another hug and put my brother on his arm. Thijn was only seven, it was way past his bedtime. They left and I sat back down on my seat, hoping a doctor would come soon with good news.

More than half an hour past, before my father came back. The neighbour hadn’t answered the phone, so he had to find someone else to babysit Thijn. About fifteen minutes after my father arrived, a nurse came into the waiting room.

‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long, mister Evans,’ she said, walking over to us.

‘As long as you are really helping my wife, you can keep me waiting all night.’

‘Well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about,’ she said, pulling up a chair.

We sat back down.

‘We understand you would like to stay all night and since you are direct family you have every right. Your wife however is stabilised right now, it might be a good moment for you and your daughter to go home and get some sleep. By the time we would be home now, it would be past midnight and I was getting tired, but I really wanted to see my mom before going home.

‘Can I see her before going home?’ I asked quietly.

‘Because she is in Intensive care, we can’t let you be with her, if she remains stable overnight, we will place her in a room and you can visit her. We do want to keep her under sedation for a few days, mostly because she will not feel her pain,’ the nurse said.

‘What are her injuries?’ my father asked the woman.

‘The injuries we know consist of several broken bones in her left leg, she broke a couple of ribs and some internal hemorrhaging.’

My father nodded his head and the woman left. He looked at me and smiled sadly.

‘I really want to stay, do you want to go home?’ he asked me.

‘I think I should really go to bed,’ I answered nodding.

‘Let me call your aunt, ask if she can come get you. They are babysitting Thijn right now.’

He called home and my aunt said she would be here soon. Deep inside me, a voice told me I really didn’t want to leave, but I was so tired.

‘She’ll be here in ten minutes, maybe you better wait in front of the hospital,’ my father said, putting his cell phone back into his pocket.

‘Okay. Do you want the cell phone back?’ I asked.

‘No, take it with you and keep it next to your pillow, I will call you as soon as anything happens.’

I hugged him and he kissed me on the top of my head.

‘I love you princess,’ he muttered.

He hadn’t called me princess since I was ten years old, it startled me a little, a tear ran down my cheek.

‘I love you papa-bear,’ I whispered.

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