Part 8

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I hope you all like this chapter.. Please let me know what you think!!

The work that evening went as usual. There were moments when I would be a little sad, but then I could just take a little break and go on ahead. Jennifer had told everyone what had happened and they all understood if I needed a little time for myself. We finished just before half past ten, Jennifer came to me and told me that I could go home. We still had the entire kitchen to clean and that would definitely take about half an hour.

‘It’s fine, I can help clean up,’ I muttered, trying not to sound ungrateful, she had done so much for me already.

She didn’t argue with me, probably because she knew I wouldn’t go before everything was clean and done. We finished up in thirty minutes and then I had to cycle home. It wasn’t very far, but I still dreaded going home a little. When I parked my bike in the backyard, it was still quite early. Dad came to meet me in the kitchen, where I noticed two pizza boxes on the counter.

‘How was your day, honey?’ he asked me.

It felt normal. Even though I had spoken with my dad, it still had felt awkward to see him again. Before my mother had passed, it had been normal, every day one of my parents would ask me how my day was. Usually they would both be there so they wouldn’t ask me twice.

‘It was okay,’ I mumbled and spoke up a bit. ‘Gabriella was very supportive and Jennifer offered that I could go home early, before cleaning, but I stayed anyway.’

‘Well done, did you miss much at school yesterday?’

‘No, we got assigned a math test for next week and I wrote down all my homework,’ I answered, while pouring some juice.

‘That’s good honey,’ he said. ‘Thijn didn’t want to go to bed, he was quite persistent to stay until you would come home. He wants you to tuck him in, he’s watching tv in the living room now.’

‘I’ll put him to bed,’ I said, giving dad a little smile. ‘After that I’ll shower, do a little homework and go to bed, so I won’t come down.’

‘Okay, Have a good night sleep.’

‘Goodnight Daddy.’

I drank the last bit of my juice and dad opened the fridge. As I walked over to the living room I heard him taking out a bottle, probably beer.

‘Hey Thijn, are you coming to bed?’

He gave me a drowsy nod and got to his feet. As we arrived at the stairs I stopped him. Knowing he could fall down, I didn’t want him to take the risk of him walking up by himself. I turned around and let him climb on top of my back, after which I started to walk up the stairs. Thijn rested his head on my shoulder, probably falling asleep. I put him in his bed, dad had made sure he had been washed and brushed his teeth. I thought Thijn was sleeping as I tucked him in, but he opened his eyes and gave me a little smile.

‘Can you tell me a story?’ he asked me.

I sat down on the edge of his bed and started to tell him the story of Hansel and Gretel. Before I was halfway he had fallen asleep, I left his room silently. I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. In my room I started up my computer and put on my robe. I worked on my homework for half an hour, after that I was so tired. I had all weekend to do the rest, so I should have all the time I needed. I went to bed and fell asleep quite easily.

‘It’s not fair, you are to blame!’ My father yelled at me, making me wake up.

Elmo, who had been on my feet, jumped up and ran from the room. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to my father.

‘You.. you and your brother always fight and suddenly he wants to stay up for you? It’s all your fault!’

I glanced at my alarm, it indicated it was only four in the morning. I was almost positive my father had been drinking again, even though I didn’t smell it on him this time.

‘What is my fault? Please dad, I didn’t.. what did I do wrong?’ I asked him, feeling very small going up against my father.

‘You don’t even know! It’s your fault and you don’t even realise,’ he yelled as he staggered down the stairs.

In fear of him coming back to my room, I ran to my door and locked it. My computer was still on from last night, so I sat down at my desk and opened my chatting program. Just as I expected no one was online. Tears started to form, I walked over to my bed and sat down, starting to cry. I wasn’t sure what dad thought I was to blame for, but he was quite obviously very angry with me. There was a knock at my door, I heard my father mumble.

‘Please open the door, I want to apologize.’

Hesitantly I walked up to my door and put my hand on the lock.

‘Please Princess?’ he insisted.

I turned the lock and he came into my room.

‘I don’t want to be mad,’ he started, but I heard the anger in his voice.

‘Who am I kidding it’s all your fault and you even lock your own father out. If you hadn’t been here, she’d still be in my arms when we’d go to sleep!’ he yelled.

‘Are you blaming me for mam’s death?!’ I yelled in utter disbelief.

‘I was miles away from the place mom had her accident, she died because of that stupid driver which had probably too much to drink as well!’ I yelled angry at my father.

Before I knew what happened, there was a forceful blow to my cheek, he had hit me.

‘Oh Dyani..’ he muttered, genuinely shocked by his own action.

Without even trying to push back my tears I pointed at the door, angry.. hell.. I was furious! He stepped out of my room and I immediately took out my backpack, putting in some clothes and my laptop. It really sucked i didn’t have my cellphone anymore. I took my school bag, a messenger bag and tossed out all my schoolbooks and putting in my hairbrush and some small  things I thought I might need. I got dressed in such a hurry, that I almost fell down while putting on my jeans. I sneaked down the first flight of stairs. On the second flight I had to be carefull, there were some cracking floorboards. Dad had been in his room, I heard him mumbling angry and sniffing in between. In the kitchen I put some small easy to grab stuff in my bag, like cookies and granola bars. I unlocked the back door and stepped out, locking it back up again. We had a fridge in the shed, where I took a big bottle of soda and some cans of fizzy water. I shoved everything in my bag and stepped onto my bike. I drove for quite some time, only to realise I didn’t really have anywhere to go.

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