Part 35

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Charley hadn’t replied and I didn’t mind. I had wanted to sleep and I was quite sure he had read my text. I had fallen asleep quite quickly and now it was time for me to wake up again. My alarm was going off, no dreams, no nightmares, just a quiet night, which had calmed me a lot. Sadly, the realisation my father might be at my school yet again, feared me. I got dressed and took my phone, I also grabbed some books and note blocks and put them in my bag. I saw grandmothers diary, that was the reason my father had kicked me out in the first place. I wondered why he chose to beat me up. He couldn’t really blame me for my mother’s death right? I was sure he had already known about me, being a witch. Maybe he had been trying to beat it out of me? It would explain why he only hurt me and not Thijn. Oh, how I hoped Thijn was safe, just like Elmo for that matter. I was used to him waking me in the morning with a soft meow, or having to feed him, but that wouldn’t happen. I just hoped they would feed him and clean his litter box. I made breakfast for everyone, just a few light sandwiches. After breakfast Charley drove me to school in his Audi. Just before we reached school, my stomach was in knots. As I expected he was waiting in front of the gates, in his car. I had hid my face in my hoody and saw Gabriella on school grounds, looking very anxious. I told Charley that the man in the car just ahead was my father. I got my phone from my pocket and sent Gabriella a text.

Just go inside, I’ll be in a little late.

I sent it and I saw her calm down a little bit and she went inside. It had my desired effect, my father slowly drove off. I quickly climbed out of the car and ran towards the gate. I was sure my father had seen me and soon after I heard him brake. Charley hadn’t left yet and was looking at me. I waved at him to go and quickly ran to the doors. My father didn’t have a pass, so he wouldn’t be allowed into the gate.

During classes, I didn’t see my father’s car, but as soon as my last lesson ended, he was there at the gate, I also saw Charley’s black Audi, parked right next to my father’s. He had gotten out of the car and was standing at the gate, but my father was sitting in his car. The moment he spotted me, he got out, but Charley was still closer.

‘Dyani!’ my father said.

He didn’t sound angry, but he wasn’t fooling me or Gabriella, who was walking beside me.

‘Will you be okay?’ she asked me, looking at my dad scared.

‘I’m not sure, but I’m not going anywhere with that bastard. The boy at the gate, that’s Charley.’

‘Oh.. you finally met? He looks nice, kind of handsome..’ she said.

That’s Gabriella for you. She’ll think about boys half the day and had at least seven boyfriends this year, of course they had all been chased away by her father.

‘Are you going with him?’ she asked.

I wasn’t ready to tell her I was living at his house, so I had to think fast.

‘No. He just offered to go for a coffee and bring me to work,’ I muttered.

We reached the gate, my father still calling my name, his voice getting anxious and I heard the anger even though he tried to mask it. As I passed the gate, using my card, Charley placed himself between me and my father, Gabriella had walked back to get her bike.

‘Get out of the way boy,’ my father said, very rude.

He tried to push Charley out of the way and I thought he would succeed, but Charley must have been stronger than he looked. He didn’t even budge.

‘If you want to talk to Dyani, do so now. I have to take her to work,’ Charley said, he sounded so calm.

‘Dyani, who is this? Why don’t you let me near you? Are you afraid?’

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