Part 43

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Walking around my old neighbourhood I felt very uneasy. I wasn’t sure why I was here, nor how I got here. Elmo came up to me and I pet him, Thijn came running after him, straight into my arms. I hugged him tight, I had missed him so much. We hugged for a moment, neither of us talking at all. Elmo kept rubbing past my ankles, but suddenly he hissed and moved away from me. Thijn pushed out of my arms, gave me a guilty look and ran away as well. I had a bad feeling looming over me. The first hit came from behind, it knocked me to the floor and a stinging pain seared through my back. I turned on my back and saw Thomas hovering over me, my father. He was holding a long wooden stick and bashed it into my legs, my side and even my head. It felt horrible, it hurt like hell. Struggling to take the stick from him, I screamed, hoping anyone would hear me, maybe even come save me, or call the police. He was startled by my scream and let go of the stick. I tossed it away and scrambled to my feet. He came at me again, punching me in the face and in the stomach. Trying to kick me and punch me even more. At one point I couldn’t take it anymore, I started punching my fists around, hoping I’d hit him, anywhere. My fist connected with his jaw and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was about to turn around and see who it was when I saw my father change. Suddenly I was sitting in the forest playing with Elmo. I kind of forgot about my father and played with my dear cat.

I woke up disoriented, unaware of where I was or what had happened. I wasn’t alone in my bedroom.. wait.. I fell asleep downstairs, with Wolf. Elliot was sitting next to me on the bed, he had a calming smile on his face. Charley was sitting on the other side of my bed, near my feet. He looked a little worried.

‘What’s going on?’ I asked, in general.

Aviana was also in the room, sitting on her mattress.

‘You had a very big nightmare, I was just getting you out when you woke up. I’m sorry..’ he whispered.

‘What do you.. Did you.. Can you see?’ I asked, getting worried.

‘Yes, I’m sorry. I don’t have another way of changing them,’ he said.

I placed a hand on his.

‘Don’t worry, I’m glad you wanted to help. You did help. How did you think of Elmo?’ I asked.

‘Well, as I understand it, Wolf was carrying you upstairs, because you had fallen asleep, when suddenly you started to twist and turn in his arms. He called for me and just when I got in the hallway, he reached the top floor and you punched him in the jaw. I touched you and calmed you, he muttered something about Elmo and it being a cat, because I need something to calm you and he realised flowers wouldn’t have done the trick.’

From the moment he had mentioned me punching Wolf, I wanted to run from my bed, but Charley’s glare made me listen.

‘Is he okay? Did I hurt him?’ I asked, feeling so very guilty.

‘You pack quite a punch, but he knows it wasn’t directed to him. I didn’t tell him, but no one believes you would ever harm him on purpose,’ he said.

‘I want to go see him,’ I said.

I got out of my bed and got to my feet, I was still fully dressed, only my shoes were neatly set next to the door. No one stopped me, so I got out of my room and went straight for Wolfs room. Gently I knocked on the door and he answered fairly quickly. He opened the door, only wearing his jeans. Very shy and feeling so much guilt, I averted my eyes to the wall.


His voice caressed my name like it was precious, it made me shiver.

‘I’m so, so sorry for hitting you,’ I murmured.

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