Part 44

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I woke up with my alarm, I shut it off and rubbed my eyes. I was a little shocked to be honest, I hadn't expected to sleep this well all night. I got out of bed and got dressed, when I arrived downstairs I seemed to be the first. However, when I walked into the dining room the table had been set and the one who set it, was sitting there at the end of the table. Arms on the table, with his head leaning on his arm. I thought he might be sleeping, because he didn't respond on me coming in. I walked over and almost placed my hand on his arm, but my better judgement kicked in. I took a step or two back and called his name twice. He didn't respond. This time, against my better judgement, I gently placed my hand on his wrist, sitting down beside him. He turned a little in his sleep, breathed in deeply and grabbed my hand tenderly. He pulled me closer and hugged my hand.

'Wolf, you really have to wake up,' I said, giggling.

'That's a wonderful sound,' he mumbled.

Again I giggled, I couldn't help it and he moaned. I was sure he was still sleeping, his breathing was so deep and constant. I tried to pull my hand back, but he wasn't letting go.

'Wolf, wake up!' I heard Alex say behind me, he seemed to laugh also.

I looked back, with a huge smile on my face.

'He doesn't let go,' I said, not even trying to suppress my giggles.

Again it earned a moan from Wolf, making me giggle even more. Wauw, this was such a great way to start my day. Alex laughed also, probably ignited by my giggles, because he wouldn't have been able to hear the moan. Alex' laughter, finally woke Wolf up, which made me stop giggling altogether. I bit down on my lower lip, but Alex didn't stop, he was having a laughing fit.

'Don't forget to breathe!' I said, only making his laughter worse.

He had to sit down. I looked back to Wolf, who also had a smile on his face. I looked down, he was still holding my wrist. He followed my gaze and let go in a second.

'I'm sorry,' he said.

I couldn't help but giggle yet again, which made Alex beg me to stop, because he really was having trouble breathing, because he was still laughing. I bit down on my lip and looked back at Wolf.

'Don't worry, I'd rather have you hold my hand, then my neck,' I said, offering him a smile.

'I'd rather hold your hand, than receive it on my jaw,' he said, smiling back.

Finally Alex calmed down and we started to eat, while everyone else came in as well.

After a nice breakfast, Charley and me cleared the table and while we were in the kitchen doing the dishes, he suddenly offered me a set of keys.

'What's that?' I asked.

'Well, they are keys,' he said, laughing.

'I can see that and I recognise them from your Audi, but why are you offering them?' I asked.

'I want you to take the Audi to school today. I don't need it all day, so you take it.'

'Well, thanks,' I said, taking the keys.

I did almost have to go, so I went upstairs and got my stuff together. It felt great to drive the Audi, it was a nice car. At school I parked it and checked it at least three times if I locked it properly. My day at school was great, I turned in my assignments and I was almost done with all my schoolwork, but I didn't get more free hours, they wanted me to learn for my exams at school. I didn't mind, being at school gave me a good distraction. After school I went to work, it couldn't have gone more smoothly all day, so when I went home and off to bed, I was comfortably tired and I slept within minutes.

The next month went by quite similar. Going to work when I was supposed to, studying hard at school. In my free hours at home I trained, either with Aviana, Alex or Charley. I had nice conversations with Wolf and even another dance with Alex. On sunday's Aviana and I either made a traditional English breakfast or a traditional sunday roast. Damian and Samuel came by for a day or two, but Stephanie didn't return. The weather had become warmer and together with Charley I had cleared all the vines and he had cleansed all the bricks, which made the house look so much more appealing. I had some bad dreams, but nothing I couldn't handle. By the end of the month aviana and myself had made several more potions, which resulted in my new cabinet being very full. Even I was sure by now that I was a potion master, like everyone kept telling me. On the first of May Charley and Alex arranged a memorial for my mother. They had dressed a table up with candles and lit all of them to remember the ones that had left us, I had hugged them both and thanked them.

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