Part 22

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When I got downstairs my father was smiling brightly, holding three different bags of sweets. I had one of my other bags with me, one I didn’t use for school, I took one of the bags of sweets and put it in my messenger bag.

‘Thank you dad,’ I said.

‘You’re welcome, I’ll put the other ones on the stairs, so you can take them upstairs when you get home.’

He did what he said and I smiled at him slightly.

‘Thanks, I really have to go now,’ I said.

I walked into the living room and kissed Thijn on his head.

‘I’ll say goodnight now, goofball. See you tomorrow,’ I said.

‘See you tomorrow, loser,’ he said, smiling up at me.

I winked at him and while I walked to the door, I waved goodbye to my father. I had the sudden urge to send a text to Charley

Hi there,

How are you doing?

I’m actually doing quite

alright, on my way to

work. My dad bought me

sweets this morning, it

baffled me. He was kind.

Have a great afternoon.


Within minutes I was sitting on my bike riding to work, I even felt a little bit cheerful. I ate one of the sweets my dad bought me and listened to my music. Quicker than I had been the past weeks, I arrived at work almost half an hour early. Jennifer wasn’t even there yet. I had put the diary in my bag and realised that for the first time since I found it, I thought about it after I had put it away. I put my bike away and sat down on the stair leading to the door of the restaurant, I opened the diary and started to read where I left of.

I can understand that the word magic would scare you off, this is not my intention of course and I had hoped your mother would have had the opportunity to explain, but I know she will not be alive when and if you read this book. I understand this is a strange thing for me to know, but with my kind of magic I could actually see into the future, or to be precise I could see possible futures.

At the moment your mother passed away, you received somewhat of a kickstart in your powers. They have always been there, but because you don’t know how they work, you wouldn’t have used them. It’s rather simple, I’m sure you will learn fairly quickly.

Maybe if I give you an example, it’s one of the easier things. Go outside, near a patch of dirt and just sit down, clear your mind and focus on a flower, think about how it might grow and try to send your energy towards that patch of ground.

I closed the book, this was insane. What did she think would happen? That the plant would grow? I shook my head, it was impossible. I saw Jennifer’s car coming, so I put the book in my bag and took out a piece of candy, putting it in my mouth. Jennifer smiled at me, while she came up the steps.

‘Good afternoon, are you doing okay?’ she asked me.

‘I’m fine, you?’ I asked her.

‘I’m okay, or well..’ her smile faded. ‘Maybe a little bit sad.’

I looked at her confused, this girl, who was always happy and enthusiastic, now was sad. Even through her sadness, she had smiled at me.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, getting a little worried.

‘Well, my boyfriend was being a jerk, just before I left for work, I’m not sure if he still wants me.’

‘If he doesn’t, he’d be a fool, and you know it!’ I said, it put a smile on her face.

‘Maybe you’re right,’ she said.

She looked behind me and waved, one of our colleagues had just arrived. She opened the door and I dove right into the kitchen, starting on preparations, while my colleagues arrived one by one. My phone buzzed in my jeans, I recieved a text back.

Hey Missy D.

I’m doing great, I’m

on my way to get a new

game at the store and then

I’m going to play it for the

entire evening, untill you’ll

be done working, cause I

wanna cheer you up again.


I smiled at his words, he seemed like a kid in a candy store, but something had changed. It almost felt like he was flirting with me.

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