Part 19

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Several classes and long tiring conversations with Gabriella later, I had told the reception that I had a doctors appointment and they gave me an absence paper. I was happy it was friday, that meant I would have 2 whole days before I had to go back. I would have to let my dad sign the paper from reception, that would prove my reasons of going to the doctor. Just like this morning I had trouble riding my bike, it felt like my legs were working against me. In twenty minutes I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctors practice. Quickly I was called in and I sat down across from the doctor. He was a nice man, who even helped with my birth, he had been our doctor for years now.

‘Dyani, it has been a while. Tell me, what is the matter?’ he asked gently.

‘I’ve.. ehm.. I… I have some bruises and wounds I would like you to look at, I don’t want them to infect or anything.’

‘Where are these bruises?’

Without any hesitation I pulled my shirt over my head, but I kept it so that it still covered my entire front body. I turned a little and the doctor gasped.

‘Come over to the treatment table, just lie down on your stomach,’ he said.

I did what the doctor asked me and he got something from a closet and came back.

‘This might sting a little, I’ll clean the wounds and put some ointment on them.’

‘Okay,’ I answered and I felt him cleaning the wound.

‘How did this happen dear? Did someone push you into a wall with such force or did you fall off the stairs?’ he asked, both would be plausible explanation, but I would be lying if I’d say yes.

‘Someone beat me, I’ve got a black eye as well and some bruising in my face,’ I admitted.

‘No wounds? Cause you shouldn’t cover up wounds.

‘No, just bruises. I could show you if necessary?’

‘No, that’s okay. Please promise you will try to avoid this situation again? Your body needs time to mend the bruising and the wounds.’

‘I will try, thank you for treating them,’ I answered.

‘That’s my job. How is your brother doing?’ he asked, while putting the ointment on my back.

‘He’s doing great considering we just lost our mom,’ I said, hearing my own voice break.

‘You can get dressed now,’ he said.

I put my shirt back on, making sure the doctor didn’t see my stomach and thanked him.

‘Would it be okay if you would sign my note from school?’ I asked the doctor.

‘No, your father should. Have a good afternoon dear.’

I stepped out of the practice with quite some time to spare. Someone passed me on the way to my bike, he seemed very familiar, but I couldn’t really place him anywhere. I wanted to ask him if I knew him from somewhere, but when I turned, he was nowhere to be found. I decided to get my new cell phone and then go wait for Thijn at his school.

I arrived at the school fifteen minutes early, I couldn’t use my new telephone yet, it had to be charged. I looked inside my bookbag to find my english book, so I could study for my test on monday. Instead of my english book, I pulled out the little diary. I closed my bag and decided to check it out a little more. I looked at the back first, it was light blue and seemed to have barely noticeable waves as a pattern. I flipped it over to the front and only now did I realise it had some writing on it. It said: “Abigail’s Diary”. Abigail was my late grandmother, we used to call her Grandma Abby. I put the book on my lap to get a piece of candy from my bag. Before I could even reach down, the book blew open, or at least, I believe it did. I didn’t feel any wind and yet the book opened as if a gust of wind blew by it.

Dear Dyani,

I dearly hope this book has come into your possession. I have written this book, specially for you, hoping you will be able to learn from it. You might not believe at first and you might toss it away, but please believe me dear, it’s important you will learn.

I stopped reading, I couldn’t believe my grandmother had left me an entire book and nobody had showed the decency to actually give it to me after her passing. I wasn’t sure how I got the little book, but I was intrigued by it. I wanted to continue reading, but the bell rang, Thijn would come run out of the building pretty soon. I closed the little book and put it in my bag, I got out two pieces of candy and held it behind my back. Thijn ran towards me and hugged me for a moment.

‘Is everything okay? Why the hug?’ I asked.

‘Cause you had candy in your hand and now I have them!’ he said laughing. ‘Mommy used to do that.’

As he mentioned mom, his eyes teared up a little.

‘Go on, eat them,’ I said, nudging him. ‘Let’s go home.’

I got another bit of candy from my bag and put it in my mouth. I mounted my bike and Thijn jumped on the back.

At home we watched some television, I had put the cellphone on it’s charger. When it was finished charging, I put the cord in my bag, so I could take it with me to my room and I clicked the power button. I got my wallet from my bag and got out my sim card and put it in. In the past few weeks it had built up some money to spend, so immediately I texted some of my friends, to tell them I had a new phone. I changed some settings to my liking and found that it was time to start dinner. Walking towards the kitchen, I put the cell phone in my pocket and with a slight smile on my face, I peeled the potatoes and marinated the chicken. A few minutes I watched a cartoon with Thijn, because I had to wait for the marinade to do its work on the chicken. After a few minutes I started cooking and as I started I got a text.

Hi Dyani,

I’m glad we can have

more ways to


I hope you’re okay.

Talk soon.


I don’t know why, but it put a smile on my face.

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