Part 47

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Slowly I regained consciousness, every inch of my body hurt. I opened my eyes and was greeted by total darkness. My head felt heavy and I was laying on something cold and hard, probably the floor. I brought my hand to my head where I felt a sticky substance, I had been bleeding. I felt around my body and knew I had so many new bruises, it almost made me happy that I hadn’t been awake during the beating.

‘Please Dyani, please reply,’ I heard the gentle voice of Wolf cry in my head.

It sounded like a mere whisper, as if he was about to fall asleep.

‘Wolf, I’m here..’  I muttered.

I hadn’t realised I could mumble or mutter in my thoughts too.

‘Dyani!?’ he asked, so much more clear and awake.

‘Yes. I’m.. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have kept you away. This might never have happened..’

‘Don’t.. It’s okay. Tell me where you are, I’ll come get you,’ he said.

‘I don’t know.. It’s so cold and dark. It’s not my old house. My head feels horrible and I’m bleeding..’ I whispered.

‘Don’t worry, I’m coming for you. I will find you!’ he said.

We were silent for a moment.

‘What time is it?’ I asked.

‘Four in the morning.’

‘Shouldn’t you sleep?’ I asked

I didn’t want him to be sleep deprived, because of me.

‘I couldn’t fall asleep, I am so worried,’ he said.

I started to hum a lullaby to him, hoping it would calm him down enough to fall asleep.

‘That’s nice,’ he mumbled, sounding sleepy again.

When I finished the song, I didn’t say anything to him, I didn’t want to wake him. After some time, my eyes closed too.

When I woke again, my head felt a little better, but it was still pitch black in the room. I sat up and found a wall. The room appeared to be three by three. There were no windows and the door hadn’t any window either. That must be why it was so dark. I didn’t know my father has such a place to his use, but now I needed a way to get out of here.

‘Wolf?’ I asked.

‘Yes? Are you okay?’ he asked, evidently startled.

‘I’m okay, he hasn’t shown himself. If I change into an animal, will I gain it’s strength?’ I asked.

‘In a way, yes. But if you are weakened now, the power of the animal will be diminished as well.’

I nodded, but realised he couldn’t see me, so I told him I understood. Like the last time, I wished to become a wolf. I did feel like something was about to happen, but it didn’t. I was still me. Suddenly the door opened and a lot of light came into the room. I was blinded, my eyes were fully used to the dark, so the light was way too bright. The door closed and a light remained inside. This made my eyes adjust a lot faster. It was an electric lantern, Thomas was holding. There was literally nothing in the room, there were walls, a door and when my father hung the lantern, I realised there was a hook on the wall. I crawled back into a corner and wished I could be so small that he wouldn’t see me, but I was too weak to change. He came closer and started pounding in on my face. I whimpered and tried to cover my face. I screamed for help, not only using my vocal cords but also my mind. Thomas, whom I could hardly call my father anymore, beat me, kicked me and even bit me when I pushed my arms to him, hoping he would leave me for a moment. He turned away and I thought he was finished with me.

‘You little brat, you shouldn’t have ignored me. You have ruined everything, if you wouldn’t have been born and we only had Thijn, nothing of this goddamn stuff had happened. You are the reason your mother died. Little Bitch!’ he said.

He turned back to me and was holding a knife, one of those you can open and close.

‘Are you really ready to kill your own daughter?’ I whispered in disbelief.

‘Kill you? I’m not planning on that yet. I need you to suffer first!’

He sat down on top of me and slowly pulled the knife through the skin on my arm, I screamed for the pain he caused me.

‘Scream all you want, the room is soundproof,’ he laughed, while doing the same with my other arm.

He didn’t cut me deep. but the shallow wounds hurt so much that I couldn’t concentrate. I still heard Wolf yell in my head, asking what was happening. I was just about to answer when my father turned me on my stomach. He pulled my arms to his legs and pinned them between his legs and my sided, I couldn’t move. He cut my shirt apart and did the same for my bra. He let the cool blade run past my spine, up to my neck. I was scared, trembling. He started cutting on my left shoulder, running all the way to my right hip. Even though the blade was cool, the cut burned. I couldn’t scream anymore. He hadn’t only hurt me physically, but mentally as well. I was drained, I wanted to slip away in a long sleep and wake up in the nice warm bed at Bell Mansion, but it wouldn’t happen. I hoped so desperately for him to stop, but he cut again, and again. I couldn’t count the wounds. After some time, he let go. I was so glad it was over, my body was on fire, I couldn’t do anything.

‘You look so much like your mother, she was beautiful,’ Thomas said.

He turned me over and tossed my fallen shirt and bra in the corner. I arched my back in pain, trying not to touch the ground with it. Thomas sat back down on me and I looked up scared, he had to be done, I couldn’t take any more.

‘Tomorrow..’ he whispered and got to his feet, he took my clothing with him, shoved in a piece of bread and left me in the dark again.

I got off my back and tried to find the way not to put any strain on my back, so it wouldn’t hurt as much. I slowly went to the door, grabbing the bread and munching it down within seconds.

‘I’m so sorry,’ I whispered to Wolf.

‘You fell silent, did you block me? Are you okay?’ he said, so worried.

‘I didn’t do it on purpose, he was here. He punched me, he kicked and bit me. He even cut me with a knife. It doesn’t bleed very much, but he hurt me so badly. I don’t know where I am. He said he’s coming back tomorrow. I’m so scared. He cut my shirt to shreds and took the clothing with him. I’m so scared. I should have never gone to my aunt. I’m so sorry Wolf,’ I cried to him.

‘Shh, shh Dyani, calm down darling. Please, please give me permission to tell Charley?’ he asked, he sounded desperate.

‘Wolf.. off course, you could have told him yesterday when you knew.. I’m sorry. I only meant that he wouldn’t know.. I was so stupid.. I’m so sorry.’

‘Shh, calm down. I don’t blame you, I’m just very worried and we have to get you out of there. Just try and get some rest, calm down and maybe sleep a little,’ he said.

I didn’t know the time, but I bet it was late. My body was burning and my head pounding. I laid down on my side, trying to keep my wounds from touching anything. Wolf started to talk about useless stuff, just to try and get me to be entirely calm and try to get me to sleep. It worked, after about an hour I fell asleep.

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