Part 4

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I usually dont post 3 parts in one day, but I made a promise to the lovely lady I dedicated the last chapter to.. 

Please let me know what you think?

An annoying buzzing feeling made me wake up. I felt it, but I didn’t hear the standard ringtone my mother used to have. I suddenly realised I had to pick up the phone, but I didn’t see it next to me on my pillow. I lifted my pillow up and the soft tones of the cell phone came at me. I picked it up and pushed the call button.

‘Dad?’ I asked immediately.

‘Yes, it’s me. The nurses just informed me, they have found a new hemorrhaging, they can’t get her stabilised again. I called Anna, they will come get you at eight. The nurse has come back in, I have to go. See you soon princess,’ he said.

I didn’t get a word in, he hung up and left me sitting there unsure and scared. I looked up at the clock, it was almost seven ‘o'clock. Elmo was still laying on my feet, purring loudly. I patted his head and got up from the couch. I decided I would take a quick shower before my aunt would come to pick us up. Thijn was just waking up, I heard him walking around in his room, he was probably getting dressed. I went upstairs and took my shower, after which I made breakfast for both of us. We had a little bit of time left, before aunt Anna would arrive, so we watched some television together. By the time our doorbell rang, we were ready to leave immediately. I hadn’t told Thijn what our father had told me on the phone earlier this morning.

We drove to the hospital and found our father waiting in the same room we had waited in the day before. As I walked up to him, he seemed hesitant to hug me. Thijn, however, just hugged him without any hesitation. I sat down and immediately a nurse entered the room, it was a different one from the day before.

‘You may see her now,’ she said, very formal.

We followed the woman to the room where they had placed our mother on several monitors. Her face was mangled and bruised. Almost everything else was covered up.

‘Mister Evans, please realise your wife is very unstable, we are giving you this chance to talk with her because in this stage there is a slim chance she will be able to survive.’

Father didn’t even flinch, I was sure someone had told him this before. Thijn didn’t seem to have heard the woman talk, but I knew exactly what she had said and the impact was massive. I fought back my tears as the woman changed something with the fluids they were putting into my mom. Very quickly, way more quickly than I had expected, she started to move and wake up. We walked up to her and my dad took her hand.

‘Honey, we’re here,’ he whispered.

‘Mom, I love you so much,’ I said, I was very scared for her.

‘Oh, my darlings. I love each and every one of you,’ she muttered.

I was starting to think that my mom had been awake before, or at least that she knew what was going to happen. Small tears ran down her cheeks, she was so brittle and weak, I doubt she would have been able to start sobbing hysterically, like I did the night before.

‘Come kids, give your mom a gentle hug, I need to talk with her for a moment,’ he said.

Thijn laid down next to her, hugging her very very carefully. It was very endearing. I bent over her and gently put my arms around her shoulders.

‘Mom, I love you so, so much! You are the best mom,’ I whispered in her ears.

‘I love you too princess, both of you, my beautiful kids,’ she said, tearing up again.

With quite a lot resentment, we left the room and joined our aunt and uncle in the waiting area. When father came to us, he was crying severely. Anna hugged him tight, she was his sister. My uncle turned me around and gave me a small hug. As he let me go, my father grabbed both me and my brother in a tight hug.

‘My dear sweethearts, your mom has.. she..’ he started to cry again.

Our aunt took over, but she didn’t have to tell me, I knew. My mom, the greatest person in the world.. she passed away.

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