Part 33

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I woke up a little disoriented, I had turned over entirely in my bed. My feet were on my pillows and my head was at the end of my bed. Slowly my dream came back to me and I realised, that when I stepped into bed, it had been the other way around. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to find my phone, the reason I had woken up. My alarm was going and when I turned the annoying sound off, I saw the unread messages my father had sent me the day before. Without bothering to open them, I deleted them, I didn’t want him to put me down even more. I picked up some of my new clothing and tried on one of the new jeans. It fit right and felt very nice. I put on a t-shirt, folded my night clothing and put them on the bed. When I got out of my room, Charley also exited his room.

‘Goodmorning,’ he said.


In a comfortable silence we went downstairs together, he went straight for the living room. I walked on to the kitchen and got out three croissants and the bottle of orange juice. I put the croissants on a plate and took everything to the living room, where I found Alex and Charley sitting in front of the television, they were both watching the early news.

‘Goodmorning,’ I said again. ‘I have breakfast.’

They both looked at me, I smiled at them and let each of them grab a croissant from the plate and I went back to the kitchen to get some glasses for the juice. When I got back in, they had both finished their food and were hungerly looking at mine.

‘Take it, I’ll get two more from the kitchen,’ I said, putting down the glasses.

They started to argue about who would get that one and laughing I walked off. I liked this, waking up this happy. It had been a long time since I hadn’t have to be afraid of my father, he didn’t know where I was.

‘Do you need another ride?’ Alex asked, when I put the other croissants in front of them.

The other one was long gone and Alex grabbed one of the new ones.

‘No, I’m good, I know the way now.’

I took my food and munched it down, while Alex poured us all juice. After we talked some more, I had to leave, but before I left, Charley gave me another key, it belonged to the front door. He told me, that was the reason he had been home the previous day. I had left the keyring in my room, so I put the new key in my bag and went to school.

When my last bell rang, I was outside in a second. I had the huge urge to go check on Thijn again, but I couldn’t I knew for sure my father had asked his sister to take care of him, so if I would be at his school, she would see me and I wasn’t sure what would happen.

‘Hey Dyani, isn’t that your dad?’ Gabriella asked me, pointing towards the car lot across the road.

‘Oh crap,’ I exclaimed.

He was looking around the students coming out, I hid behind Gabriella.

‘Please Gabriella, please walk behind me straight back inside, he can’t see me now,’ I muttered.

‘Sure.. Of course,’ she said.

At that moment, I loved her so much. We walked back inside and she followed me into an empty hallway.

‘So.. What’s going on? You’ve been acting weird since your mom.. I thought you were just missing her, but I’m starting to think there’s a lot more to it?’ she said, I averted my eyes.

‘It’s not something I like talking about, would you mind if I.. ehm.. I’d like to keep it private. I’ll just call Charley he’ll know what to do..’ I mumbled, more to myself then her.

‘No. I know what to do..’ Gabriella said.

She took my hand and walked me over to our mentor, he was a young and easygoing guy.

‘Sir, could you help us please?’ she asked.

‘What’s going on ladies?’ he asked, giving us a broad smile.

Gabriella told him about my father being outside, but that she didn’t want to see him. She made a small snide comment about me not trusting her enough to tell her why, but eventually she convinced him to go talk to my father. Asking him why I hadn’t been there the past two days. Don’t ask me how she became so convincing, but I was proud to be her friend. He seemed to notice how anxious I was, because he put his hand on my shoulder to give me his support. He went outside and did exactly what Gabriella had asked him and through a window we saw my father get in the car looking very angry and driving off way too fast.

‘Sweetheart, I know you don’t want to tell, but please know you are always welcome to.’

‘I know, thank you for..’ I nodded to our teacher who was walking back.

‘Thank you so much, sir,’ I whispered.

‘He was very aggressive, very angry. Will you be okay?’ my teacher asked.

‘Yes sir, I’m staying with a friend.’

‘Okay, be safe. I watched him drive all the way down the road and turning left, I suggest you go the other way.’

I nodded and went outside with Gabriella. Since I was going the other way now, we said our goodbyes at the gate and I sped away to my new found home.

Coming home, I immediately noticed no one was there, no van, no Audi. They had to be at work, both of them. I locked my bike in front of the house and hurried myself inside. I needed some time to think. Would my father be at school every day from now? Would I have to run from him? I was genuinely scared, it felt so great not having to be afraid and now.. now it had all come back. I locked the door behind me and went to my favorite place in the house. The kitchen. I loved kitchens, when I was little my mother would bake me cookies when I felt miserable. Only arriving in the kitchen, I realised I hadn’t all the supplies to bake cookies or anything for that matter. They didn’t even have molds for cake or muffins, so I would have to go out again. The supermarket was quite close, but they wouldn’t have everything I needed. I sighed. I didn’t feel like going upstairs again, to check for the nearest mall. I took out my phone and opened my browser on that. The previous night I had made it connect so I could have internet in the entire house. I did a search, the mall wasn’t far, I could take my bike there. Thirty minutes later I was back in the empty quiet house. I had picked up a muffin tin, a cake mold and one for pie as well, driving past the supermarket I got all my ingredients. I had to choose, the built in stove had an oven, but there was also an old wood oven. I wasn’t sure which one I wanted to use. Playing it safe I went for the modern oven I got to work and within half an hour the room smelled sweet like chocolate muffins.

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