Part 3

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Dedicated to my friend and motivator for today..

After a few minutes of waiting in front of the hospital, my aunt arrived. She didn’t wait for me to enter the car, she stepped out and hugged me immediately. The sheer compassion the woman was sending to me made me cry. It wasn’t one of those sweet and gently crying sessions, where some tears run down your face and it looks so endearing. No.. this was one of those times I couldn’t contain my hysterical sobs and tears running down, I even had a runny nose.

‘I don’t want my mommy to die,’ I cried into her shoulder.

‘I know baby. Come on, I’ll take you home and make some nice tea,’ she told me.

She guided me to the passenger seat and even opened the door for me. I sat down and when I closed the door I let my head rest against the window. We drove home, it took about ten minutes. As we pulled up in front of my house, I realised something.

‘I forgot my bike,’ I said, sitting up.

‘We’ll get that tomorrow,’ she said.

It was fifteen minutes past midnight, usually I would come home from work about now. I didn’t realise how tiring it could be to wait. We went into the house and as promised my aunt made some tea for us. Thijn was still up, he hadn’t been able to sleep, so he was watching some television with my uncle. They had put on the movie Mulan. According to my aunt, Thijn had wanted to watch The lion king, but since Mufasa dies, they had decided Mulan would be better. From the back of the room, me and my aunt watched it with them, drinking our tea in silence. When the movie ended, Thijn was sleeping on the couch. Peter, my uncle, wanted to carry him to his bed, but I stopped him. I felt that for this time, it was my job getting my little brother in bed. I picked him up off the couch and held him tight. Carefully I carried him one story up and placed him gently in his bed. We fought a lot, but which brother and sister didn’t? At moments like these he was very cute, so I placed a little kiss on his forehead. He turned in his sleep and made some mumbling sounds. Silently I closed the door and went back downstairs.

‘Do you want us to stay here?’ Anna, my aunt, asked me.

‘I think I’ll manage, Thijn will wake me if anything is wrong, but I don’t think I’ll sleep anytime soon.’

‘Okay honey, if anything happens you can call us,’ she answered.

‘Thanks,’ I said, walking with them to the door.

They left and suddenly I was all alone.

After two hours of watching crappy television shows I started to feel drowsy. I would have made myself a cup of coffee if I hadn’t hated the taste of the hot drink. I went up to my room, it was in the attic. I took my pillow and a thin blanket and brought them downstairs. I made myself a nice cool glass of lemonade and watched another few minutes of stupid television shows. As I felt myself dozing off, my sweet little Elmo jumped up onto my feet and placed himself there, guarding me, while sleeping.

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