Part 34

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Around seven o’clock both my hosts came home.

‘Hey, are you boys hungry?’ I asked them when they entered the living room, where I was working on my project for school on my laptop.

‘I smell chocolate,’ Alex said, actually licking his lips.

‘I ehm.. have desert today..’ I said, feeling a little anxious.

At home they would always know that when I would get cooking, something was up, but these boys didn’t know about that. They started asking me what this dessert would be, but I didn’t say, I wanted it to be a surprise.

‘I’ll just go cook now, just wait here, I think it’s done in under thirty minutes,’ I said.

I hurried myself into the kitchen and started preparing macaroni, it would be easy and enough for them to eat the next day as well, since it would be a workday for me. The thought that my father might be waiting there again, scared me. I was scared he would hit me again, I was afraid he would pull me home by my hair and just keep on hurting me. It was confusing, wasn’t he the one that sent me out. His anger showed me that he didn’t miss me, or worried about me. For a moment I just stood still, I had to find a way to let my nerves ease.

I put my hands on the counter and just leaned against it.

‘You okay?’ I heard the gentle voice of Charley.

‘Not really, but I’m not sure I can explain,’ I said.

He came closer and wanted to put his hand on my back, but I flinched. I didn’t even mean to, but it happened, I didn’t want anyone to touch me anymore. It hurts too much and what if they will start hurting me too? My father had started out of the blue, why not them.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t..’ his words faltered. ‘Dyani..?’

I turned to face him when he called my name, his voice had been soft.

‘Yeah?’ I whispered.

‘Did anyone hurt you?’ he asked.

I almost thought I heard his voice break, but it must have been my imagination.

‘Didn’t you figure that out before? My black eye,’ I mumbled.

‘It had faded so much, I thought it had been mascara. When I saw you yesterday, it was gone,’ he said.

I almost laughed, if it weren’t for our topic. He thought it had been mascara, run down by my tears, I hardly ever wore make up.


I thought it had been obvious, who else?

‘My father..’

‘What did he do?’ Charley asked.

I turned my back to him, absentmindedly stirring the sauce for the macaroni. I was sure my wounds had closed but they were visible, just like the bruises my father had given me with the last beatdown, two days ago.

‘Please tell me?’ he asked.

I pulled up the back of my shirt, making sure it still covered my front. I heard him gasp, he was a lot closer than I had thought. I felt the warmth of his hand pass my back, but he didn’t touch.

‘I wish I could help you,’ he whispered.

‘That’s okay,’ I muttered, pulling down my shirt again.

Dinner was done, so I sent him off to fetch Alex, I drained the macaroni and made three plates. Bringing them to the dining room one by one, bringing cutlery as well. With begging eyes, I asked Charley not to say anything in front of Alex, I liked the boy, but didn’t want him to worry about me.

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