Part 37

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Dedicated to Wouter, because he's a good friend and he got this chapter because of something he loves.. (@Wouter: You'll see.. ;) )

‘Why are you laughing? What’s up?’ Charley asked me.

‘Nothing.. you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,’ I said, still laughing. ‘But yes, I believe Hannah was called Bell.’

‘Do you realise.. This house..’

I stopped Alex mid sentence.

‘I know this house belonged to my family, I found a family tree in the attic and ehm.. I have dreams,’ I mumbled.

‘You mean you can manipulate dreams?’ Charley asked.

‘No, my dreams are about Clara, the dream manipulator,’ I said.

‘We’ll have to train you and find out what your ability is.’

I promised we could train soon, but now I had to go to bed and sleep for some hours, I still had school the next day.

I was sitting alone, in the dark. My hands were shaking and I was so scared. A few feet away I heard my father stumble towards me. He was muttering things about me, but I couldn’t understand him. He came closer, he was looking for me. When he found me, he pulled me up by my hair and tossed me on the couch. He started to beat down on me and pulled my hair. I tried to get away, but then he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pull me so hard, I fell down on the ground. He kicked me in the stomach and he pulled his foot back, turning to kick me in the face. I screamed, so loud and when he hit me, everything turned black.

‘Dyani? Dyani! wake up?’ someone said.

I was clutching my stomach, but noticed it didn’t hurt like it had only seconds ago. I touched my face, expecting to find my nose bleeding or broken. I opened my eyes and saw Charley sitting next to me on the bed, in the mansion. I couldn’t stop it, the tears broke their barriers, before I even realised they had formed. Charley didn’t touch me and I was thankful that he had realised I didn’t like to be touched anymore. I reached up to him and pulled him against me. He only touched my arms, while I held on to his waist, crying into his chest.

‘Calm down, it’s alright. It was only a nightmare,’ he whispered, gently rubbing his thumb over my upper arms.

‘Why are you here?’ I asked him, in between sobs.

I let go off him and sat back a little, not touching him again.

‘I heard you scream in your sleep,’ he said, he looked very worried.

‘I dreamt about my father.. It was so scary,’ I whispered.

‘Can I get you anything? Something to drink?’ he asked, I could tell he didn’t know how to help me.

‘No, thank you. It’s okay, really. Thank you for waking me, I’ll try and get some more sleep,’ I said.

‘I’m only a door away,’ he said. ‘If you need anything just knock.’

‘Thanks, you should get some sleep too,’ I muttered.

We said goodnight again and he went back to his room. As I expected I didn’t fall asleep, so after an hour, I got out of bed and sat down behind my desk and played a game on my computer. After some time I realised I wasn’t going to sleep before my alarm would go off two hours from then. I went to work on my project again. Half an hour before my alarm went off, I finished my half of the project, two weeks before the deadline. I got dressed and went downstairs, going straight for the kitchen. I took my phone and disabled the alarm, after that I put on some soft music. I got out some eggs, milk and flour and whisked them into a batter. I added some vanilla sugar and put a pan on the stove, soon the entire kitchen smelled like the beautiful golden brown pancakes I was making. Both Charley and Alex came looking me up in the kitchen, following the smell.

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