t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"You're such a liability!" and then the sound of gunshot; that was what Dodie had told him she'd heard, funnily enough the vision was set on the same day as her last one, June 22nd.

It made little sense to him, too difficult a puzzle for him to figure out anyhow. 'Liability - a person or thing who's presence or behaviour is likely to put one at disadvantage', that was what the dictionary had told them when they'd checked.

"There isn't a single gun in this place and no one's ever gotten in or out if they weren't supposed to." she explained. "I've gone over it so many times trying to make sense of it - but I just can't. Perhaps I've gotten it wrong again."

When Dodie had began speaking to him, he was expecting something a little more focused around Dan - it being his future and all - he was hoping Dan would at least still be alive after June 22nd, despite their 'disagreement' had meant they hadn't spoken to each other for days on end. All the blurred faces and unrecognisable voices were beginning to drive him insane - it wasn't clear who was presumably shot, or who the shooter was. But without the proper aura it would've been wrong to have expected anything more, only so much could be done.

"You do remember you have mind control abilities, right? You can easily make him forget about what happened and things would go back to how they were. Some people would do anything to be able to do what you can do."

"That being the exact reason I don't tend to use that part of my power - from what I've read, practically every single person who can do what I can do only use it for their own personal gain; they're all greedy and foolish and become obcessed with having control over everything, they never realise the damage they've done until it's too late. I don't want to become one of those people - call it a waste of a gift if you wish. And I wouldn't call it 'mind control' anyway. I could make him hit himself and that's about it. I can move things, not change them.

"It's not, you have a better perspective on it then I'd imagine others'll have." Dodie agreed. "If you're not going to do it that way, then the only option left is the good-old-fashioned method of conversation."

Phil had given up on trying to spark a conversation on day three of their shared silence. He was wasting his breath on what appeared to be a lost cause - Dan's stubborness made it rather apparent that he wouldn't have had a change of heart since the last time they'd both seen one another.

"Dan hasn't so much as breathed in my general direction, I very much doubt he's up for talking right now."

"It's not like you to be pessimistic. Though I do seem to remember the very first time we met I told you that you'd have to make the first move because Dan doesn't like apologising."

Phil could help but think that that was an under exaggeration.

"Fine - I'll try again."


"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Quit the sarcasm. Please can we talk?"

"Oh for Pete's sake, this again? I'm getting pretty bored of this, I must say."

"Okay I'll just ask you tomorrow then..."

"You know what? Fine let's talk. But only so this stops."

"Did he respond?" Dodie questioned.

"He gave a reluctant yes."

"I hope everything works out - oh, and make sure your door's closed if you two decide to kiss each other again." She called out before I left to try and find Dan.

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