Chapter 35

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--2 days later--

Nicole has still yet to go into labor so the Doctor is inducing her today at 2. I have to drop DeKlin off with Charles parents since everyone is too busy to watch him during that time and I have to be there.

I wake to my sons muffled cries from his room. I slowly walk there and see him laying in a puddle of pee. I giggle slightly at the thought that he's a mister pee body like Rachael was.

I quickly change him and put him in his swing while I start the laundry since he has no other bedding. I then dress him and feed him before getting on the shower.

I couldn't help but glance at myself after showering in the mirror. I had lost all the baby weight but I was still not were I wanted to be. I felt undesirable but maybe that's also due to me and Charles never having sex.

I get dressed before heading downstairs to make me some lunch. I finish making my salad when the muffled cries happen again. I carry my food up to the nursery and grab my almost 2 month old baby boy.

"What's wrong Deky."

He looked up at me with his blue eyes and smiled. I dressed him while I ate them packed his diaper bag before putting him in his car seat. He fell asleep and I pumped so he'd have something to eat while at his grandparents then we left.

As we pulled up to Charles off where I was meeting Mary, I saw Max and Jessa hugging in the parking lot. She still looked so flawless even as she was 37 weeks along with little baby Remzii.

I wave and carry my son and his diaper bag to the elevator. As i got to Charles floor, I was greeted by Mary and Benjamin waiting by the new assistants desk. I smiled before giving them DeKlin and his diaper bag. I then visited Charles for around 10 minutes before heading the the hospital to go help Nicole through the pain of labor.

As I got to Nicole's room at the hospital the doctor was measuring her cervix so I sat in the hallway with Keia and Paisley. The doctor loudly said she was to a 7 and soon she could push which is so exciting. We all sat and talked about our babies and lives since we dont really get out much with each other anymore. Tiffany and Jessa soon showed up along with Nicole's man.

Soon it was time for Nicole to push and everyone but me and Nicole's man had to leave so she could push out Mr. Jaxson. I held one hand while Keith held the other and we helped her count and did her breathing exercised ones i know far too well.

Jaxson Avery Michell was born at 4:30pm. He weighted 8lbs and 7ozs. He was 22 inches long. He totally looked like his beautiful mommy. He come out with red hair and his daddy's green eyes. He was perfection at its finest. I got to hold him after Keith and Nicole did. I forgot how little babies were at first.

Soon all the other girls came in and met the littlest member of our baby family we had going on. Just as Paisley and I were getting ready to leave she started to go into labor and that was when i realized I wasn't going home anytime soon.

They put her in a labor and delivery while they prepped the surgery room since there was no possible way she could push the girls out naturally as they feared she'd lose too much blood. I called Justin and he agreed to keep the kids till I got home after she had the kids and would take them tomorrow so I could be here and help with the twins. Sadly he wanted nothing to do with them or Paisley..

At 8, they decided it was time and began rolling her into surgery and that's when she asked me to be in the surgery with her. I, of course, said yes and gowned up before sitting at her head talking to her about Rachael and James trying to distract from the fact she was being cut open.

As we talked i heard cries and picked over the curtain to see them pulling out little Addison Ray. She was incredibly beautiful. I told Pais that they had gotten Addy out and was now just getting little miss Allison Jane out. I heard more tiny cries and saw them pull out miss Ally before carrying her off to be measured and such.

They brought over the girls and let me hold Addy near Paisleys face so they could bond while they did the same with Ally. After she was stitched up, we were on our way back to the room where we learned the time the girls were born and their height and weight.

Addy weighted 6lbs and 5ozs. She was 17inches long.  Ally weighted 6lbs and 7ozs. She was 17 1/2 inches long. Addy was born at 8:56pm and Ally was born at 8:59pm. I held and loved on them before I realized it was nearing 10 and i had to get my baby and my niece and nephew so i kissed them goodbye and left.

I called Charles and he told me he had picked up DeKlin so I didn't have to. I pulled up to Justin's just as i ended the call and carried a sleeping Rachael to the car while Justin carried James to the car. I thanked him before heading home. 

As soon as i got into the house, I was greeted by a crying hungry baby in my mans arms. I took him inside and felt him while Charles took the kids into their room. I had never felt so exhausted in my life.

I carried a now sleeping baby to his crib and set him in it. I then went to my room turned on the baby monitor and changed before passing out.

Only one more baby before we all are done having them.. I hope!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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