Chapter 3

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Monday came to soon. Walking into the elevator just to come to work was already uncomfortable.

When I got to the floor, I walked into his office sat the coffee on the desk. I was relieved he wasn't in his office yet.

As I got to my desk the elevator door opened with a ding. Charles came walking in with a client and rushed into his office.

Thank god! I don't want to talk about our one night stand.

"Miss Jensen, I have been calling you for the last 5 minutes. Where is the Johnson case file?"

I looked up to see an angry Charles so I ran and got it from the filing cabinet.

"Sorry. Here."

"After this client leaves we need to speak."

He walked away after grabbing the file from my hand.

Hopefully our 11:30 comes in early. But sadly he didn't right at 11 our client left and I was motioned to come into Charles office.

"Now, Zoé I pride myself on being professional but Friday night wasn't professional at all and I'm very sorry. I would love to offer you a raise so you won't quit."

"Umm... Sir it's fine. I clearly wasn't professional either. I don't need a raise I wasn't planning on quitting."

"Lovely. So let's put that night behind us."

I felt his eyes wondering over my body and saw him bite his lip.

"Of course sir."

"May I ask you something first?"

"Yes go for it."

"Do you remember it?"

I did now but I didn't know if I should tell him.


He bite his lip and then licked them before nodding and turning to look out the window.

I took that as a sign to leave so I walked back to my desk and just looked at him looking out the window. He looked so focused on thinking.

I sat answered phones all the rest of the day. When I wasn't answering them I was talking to clients and filing files.

When it was time to go home I walked into Charles office to say goodbye and instead of him saying goodbye back he kissed me before grabbing his briefcase and practically running to the elevator.

I rushed home after standing dumbfounded for what felt like an hour.

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