Chapter 20

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~1 week later~

Being 20 weeks pregnant is hard. I crave everything now! I honestly really want some jolly ranchers but I don't eat candy so it's been way hard.

Charles and I have discussed the dumb little fight in the restaurant and we both decided he was in the wrong just as much as little mister Taylor was.

The stupid fight landed is in the newspaper. I was lividly pissed at Charles. Who is going to want a, as the newspaper said it, mentally unstable lawyer representing them? We lost big named clients for his stupid fight.

I was quickly brought out of thought when our biggest named client walked in. Miss Ariana Grande herself.

"Hello, Charles I thought we discussed that any fights were to be private! I can't believe you'd publicly humiliate me in such a way! I have fans questioning why my lawyer is fighting in the middle of a restaurant! You owe me big time for this," she boomed as she sat down.

Charles just looked at her shaking his head yes in reply to her saying he owes her.

"Now, someone is suing me for some stupid reason and I want you to handle it for free since I had to cover my ass because of you."

He nodded in agreement and they started taking about the issue before Ariana looked at me telling me to get her coffee.

For being such a sweetheart, she can be a royal pain. I ran to get her coffee before coming back to see she had left.

I placed the coffee on my desk even though I couldn't drink it due to being pregnant. I was slightly frustrated with her lack of caring about what I was getting her. I grabbed it and threw it in the trash before feeling DeKlin kick me probably sensing I was angry.

I placed my hand on him as he kicked it off. It became a game for me just as Charles came over and rubbed my belly. DeKlin kicked it right off and Charles laughed before saying he had a dinner with his father to be at and that I should head home.

I quickly grabbed my briefcase and keys before locking up the office. After riding the elevator down j walked to my car which I got after trading the one my ex bought me in. I was just about to get in the car when I felt someone push something into my head.

"Give me all your money," the person whispered into my ear.

I handed him the 70 dollars I had in my purse before he saw that I had on my engagement ring.

"Give me that."

I looked at my ring then the gun and knew I couldn't fight the man for he would kill me and DeKlin.

I handed him the ring. He looked pleased with the loot he had just got from me. But obviously not pleased enough as he stole my cellphone and my earrings which were the ones Charles gave me for Christmas.

He looked around before fleeing. I sat there for a moment trying to wrap my brain around what had just accrued. I then realized what had happened and that DeKlin and I's lives were in danger.

I quickly drove home in tears. I bursted the doors open and called police and Charles. The police took my description of the robber while I sat there bawling in Charles arms.

I had just had a near death experience with my son already and he so suppose to be save in my tummy.

Charles kept apologizing saying it was his fault that he didn't take me home before going to dinner. He had tears in his eyes from the realization that me and his son could have been gone before he knew it.

We spent the night holding each other and just trying to forget the horrible event that happened to me.

I didn't feel save anymore and I knew at that moment I was never going back into that parking garage or back to the office unless absolutely necessary.

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