Chapter Seventy Six.

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"We need to go after them," I mutter as Rick feeds Judith, "Christ knows what they're doing to her."

"Daryl," he sighed, "Believe me, I want to go too but we don't even know where they are." 

"I'll track 'em." I say immediately, "I can find them." 

"He has an army. More men than I dare to even think about. Listen," he said, passing Judith to Michonne, "We're going to have a meeting in the church. We need to make sure that this doesn't happen. We can't have him killing any more of us." 

"But what about Sarah?!" I demand. 

"We will sort it." 


I was sceptical when Rick called the meeting at the church. Carol sat down beside me, her hand on mine as she tried to comfort me but all I could think of, was Sarah. She was off somewhere with those pricks just because the lead prick, made her feel guilty. 

Rick stood up and waited for silence to fall on the place and when it finally did, he spoke, "What happened today, that can't happen again. Because of Andrew's actions today, Negan took Sarah with him when he left." 

There were some whispers throughout the room and Tobin stood up, "Rick, what exactly did he think was going to happen? We would just give in to his demands? We're not like that. Andrew just did what we were all too scared to do." 

"Yeah 'nd look wha' happened." I growled, "Idiot got his head bashed in." 

"I don't think some of you quite understand what he is capable of." Sasha said from behind me and a woman up the back actually scoffed. 

"It can't be that bad." 

Everyone who had went through that night where we lost Abraham turned to look at her. 

"You weren't there," Sasha continued, "You didn't see what we saw." 

"Like I was saying," Rick said loudly, "It can't happen again. Like I said last week, I'm not in charge anymore. Negan is." 

Afterwards, I made my way towards our house. I had to do something; go out and try and find them. 

As I was walking, Michonne came running out of Rick's house, running past me to him, "Carl's gone." 

Oh you have got to be kidding me. 

"He'll have gone after them." Rick said quietly, "He's gone after Negan. I tried talking to him but he was just so angry."

"How the hell could he have left? Spencer's on guard duty. He would have said something!" I said, spinning around, "He couldn't get out without someone noticing." 

"He's smart," Glenn put in, "He'll have found another way to get out without someone noticing."

"Daryl's right then," Rick suddenly said, "We need to go after Negan, find his base and get Carl back." 

I cleared my throat. 

"Right. And Sarah. Obviously." 


I tightened my hand around my knife and turned to continue my way to the house to get ready. 

I was gonna get her back no matter what. Today.



I have to say, Negan might be a psycho but what he has built here, it's impressive. 

Down in their stockroom, I decided that I'd start with sorting out their medications and medical supplies, knowing that it would probably take me the longest. 

There were a few men hovering around outside in the narrow corridor, Dwight standing with Daryl's crossbow in his hands, watching me carefully. 

I worked silently and as quickly as I could, sorting them out into alphabetical order -I had a little bit of OCD when it came to stuff like this- and writing down how much of each thing they had. 

When I reached the f's, there was a cheerful whistle from down the corridor and I saw all the men who were outside, kneel down on the floor.

What the hell? 

"Get down," Dwight hissed, looking at me and I slowly did what he said just as Negan came around the door. 

"Well look at that!" he said happily, "You got her taught our ways already. Good work, D."

"Thank you." the man said quietly. 

"Get up sweetheart," Negan instructed and he came over and began inspecting the shelves in front of us, letting out a low whistle, "Well hell. Look at this! This is the most it's been in a while. You're good." 

I gave him a little smile, which faded when I saw that there was a dark bruise on his cheek, "What happened to your face?"

He smirked, "Oh. I was taking the kid home. Met your group halfway there. Let's just say that Rick, he has a mean left hook. Damn. I didn't even hurt the kid." 

"My group?" I breathed, "What...was Daryl there?" 

He ignored me and turned to Dwight, "Get her ready to go. She's coming to the Hilltop with us." 

"Are you sure that's wise?" the blonde asked but his gaze quickly found the ground when Negan pinned a glare on him. 

"She's coming." 

He quickly left the room and Dwight made me follow. 

As we were walking down the corridor, we passed a woman with dark hair and her pretty face lit up at the sight of the man with me but it fell again when he didn't even so much as glance her way. 


"Who is she?" I said quietly but he muttered for me to shut up. 

The rest of the journey to the car was silent. 

Every time I saw Negan, I felt sick. Knowing how bipolar he seemed to be, it just seemed right to be cautious around him. 

"After you," he tall man said with a smile.

I climbed in and spotting the blindfold that was on the other seat, I put it on while he climbed in beside me. 

I wonder why he never sits up front. 

"Why are we going to the Hilltop?" I asked.

"You're familiar with Gregory, yes? I need to have a little chat with him." 

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