Chapter Nineteen.

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*Sarah's POV*

After Rick found out that the man inside the barn was carrying a flare gun and that he was the one who left us the bottles of water, he sent the rest of us out to keep watch around the shaky building. Well except for Glenn, Michonne, Abraham and Rosita, who were gone to check out Aaron's story about the cars. 

I wasn't exactly sure what I thought of Aaron but I was slowly leaning towards trusting him. He didn't look as if he was trying to hurt us. 

"What're ye' thinkin'?" Daryl asked as the remaining members of the group spread out so we all had decent coverage of the area. 

"Just that Aaron might not be that bad of a guy." I mumbled, looking at him, "Do you believe anything he's saying?" 

"I want to," he says, messsing with his crossbow, "But it's hard. We've been through so much shit recently, 'nd I'm not gonna get my hopes up." 

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing quietly, "We gotta have hope. We...I think he's telling the truth." 

"Of course ye' do," he snickered, "Tha's because ye' think there are still good people left." 

"There are still good people." I scowled. 

"Yeah? Wha' about wha' we through at Terminus? Or Grady Memorial?"

"They kept Carol alive!" I said loudly, "They saved her life and they-" I quickly stopped, realising that if I continued, I was going to say something that I would regret. 

"Wha'?" he asked bitterly, "They kept Beth alive?" 

"Dawn was one bad person in a group of good," I whispered, "They were helping people." 

"Yeh' and then kept 'em locked up in there. 'm tellin' ye' Sarah, there are no good people left in the world 'nd yer stupid to believe tha' there is." 

"Well," I whispered, taking a step away from him when I realised how close I was to him, "Glad to know that's how you see me. I'll uh...I'll talk to you later." 

I heard him sigh as I left him standing alone but he didn't follow me like I thought he would and so I walked past the rest of the group, needing to take a walk. 

"Sarah?" I heard Carol call when I reached the tree line, "Sarah, where are you going?" 

"I'll be back in a bit," I said, turning around and giving her a weak smile, "'m just gonna walk around for a bit." 


Tensions were high when I returned; everyone having already returned back inside the barn and inside, there was a large stack of canned goods and I moved to stand by Maggie, staying as far from Daryl as I could.

I wasn't hurt at the fact that he called me stupid. Maybe I was for believing that there were still good people left. I was just hurt that it was him that said it and not someone else. I didn't think he'd ever say something like that to me but today, he proved me wrong. 

Rick was examining the cans closely before turning to Aaron, "This, this is ours now." 

"There's more than enough." he replied.

"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp." 

"Why wouldn't we go?" Carl asked, staring at his father with curious eyes. 

"If he were lying, or if he wanted to hurt us," Michonne said quietly, looking at Rick, "But he isn't and he doesn't. We need this. So we're going to go. All of us. And if someone feels differently, speak up now." 

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