Chapter Forty Five.

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I don't know how long Daryl and the others had been gone but I did what I said I was going to do. I opened the school just to try and get a sense of normality back into this place but honestly, I would be really surprised if anyone turned up. 

There was a while of just me sitting on my own reading a book but then Sophia and Mikey wandered in, the two of them gave me weak smiles. 

"We just wanted to get away from home." 

I gave them a nod in reply and they moved over to the tables, talking quietly amongst themselves. 

I didn't really care what they did. I just went back to reading my book while placing my hand on my stomach, trying to ease the unsettling feeling I still had. 

They were fine. Everyone was fine. 

The feeling then suddenly spike when we heard a scream, both Sophia and Mikey's heads snapping up. 

I gave them what I hoped was a reassuring look and got up from my chair, moving to the open door. 

"What is it?" Sophia asked quietly.

My breath trembled when I saw that there were people climbing over the walls from different entrance points. 

As quietly and as slowly as I could, I reached up and pulled the string to close the door, wincing at the screeching noise it made. 


"I don't know," I admitted, "I think we're being attacked." 

"What do we do?" Mikey whispered as we heard someone else scream along with footsteps thudding past the garage. 

I crossed the room to where my bag was, grateful that Daryl had insisted I carry a small gun in my bag, "You two, you're going to stay here, okay? I'm gonna go get help." 

"What?" Sophia whispered, "What if they find us?" 

"They won't," I promised, pulling the door open just a tad, "Just stay quiet, find a place to hide and keep each other safe. I know you have a gun, Soph and I know you can use it." 

She nodded and pulled it out of her pants, shrugging when Mikey looked down at her. 

"Okay, I'll lock this behind me." I informed and he got up to come over. 

Deciding that I would be safer going through the back gardens, I took a deep breath before running for my next point of cover but only got as far as the air conditioning unit that was between the two houses, which I had to duck behind when I heard approaching footsteps. 

Couldn't be too careful. 

I peeked over the top, seeing that the two people were not from here and my blood ran cold when I noticed something very familiar.

They both had Ws etched into their foreheads. 

Who the hell are these people?

Thankfully, they seemed to have no idea that I was watching them and continued on their way deeper into the community. 

It was clear what I had to do. So my grip tightened on the gun in my hands as I tiptoed up the side of the house closest to me, peering around the corner in time to see them take out an axe and machete, intent on harming one of the younger children that was staring at them with wide eyes. 

"No," I breathed, stepping out and raising my gun. I knew that if I hesitated for just one second, the kid would be dead so I exhaled quietly and fired two shots. 

One into each of their heads. 

The kid, who I believed was Marie, ran to me and as quickly as I could, I led her back to the garage, opening the door and shoved her in after telling Sophia that it was me and not to shoot.

Once making sure that the door was once again locked, I took off again, running towards Jessie's house where I knew that she there. Along with Sam and Zeus. 

As I passed by Deanna's, one of the invaders rounded the corner, brandishing a smile with blackened teeth and when she pulled out her blade, I ran to my left, towards the small park. 

She was hot on my heels. So close that every time she swung for me, I felt the whoosh of air on the back of my legs. Why was she going for there?

If I stopped, I would be dead so instead, I made a sudden right, spinning around and raised my gun before she even had a chance to turn. 

She fell to the grass with a soft thud and over the noise of gunfire and screaming, I heard a low rumbling; as if something big, like a bus was heading by. Which meant it was coming straight for us.



Till now, everything had been going well until now. I looked back and saw a few dozen walkers were veering off course. 

Why were they doing that?

I grabbed my walkie talkie and held the button down, "Rick?" 

There's a brief moment of just static as a response but then, I hear his voice, "I'm here." 

"What's goin' on back there?" 

"Half of them broke off," he answered and I hold my breath, knowing that he wasn't finished, "They're going towards Alexandria." 

My first thought is Sarah but I know that if things were to go south, she'd be able to hold her own. My girl's tough. 

"Towards you?" I ask. 

"We ran ahead. There's a horn or somethin'." HIs breathing is quick and erratic. It's as if he's running, "It's loud, coming from the east. It's not stopping." 

I chew on my bottom lip; if those walkers are going back, I need to be there. I need to be back with Sarah so I can help keep her safe and keep the community safe so I grab the talkie again, "'m gonna gas it up and head back."

"We have it. Keep goin'." 

"You're gonna need our help." I muttered, eyes narrowing. 

"You gotta keep the herd moving!" he panted.

I shook my head, even though he can't see me, "Not if it's goin' down, we don't." 

"The rest of the herd turns around, the bad back there gets worse." he replies, voice firm and when I don't answer, he says my name.

"I heard ye'." 

The talkie fell silent as I continued to lead the walkers away, glancing at Abraham and Sasha. I know I was supposed to be focused on the job at hand but all I could think about was getting back to Sarah. 

I swerve closer to the car, grabbing Abraham's attention, "Hey, we gone five miles out yet?" 

"Give or take some yardage. Got a reason for asking?" 

"Yeah, 'm gonna have to change tha'," I said stubbornly, "Five's gonna have to work." 

"The magic number is twenty," Abraham says, tone firm, "That's the mission. That's making sure they're off munching on infirm racoons the rest of their undead lives instead of any of us." 

"I gotta wife back there," I muttered, "'nd they're getting attacked by somethin', which means I gotta go back 'nd help." 

"You wanna go, we can't stop you." Sasha said, leaning over so I could hear her, "But without you, they could stop us.

I fell silent, wind blowing my hair back from my face as I looked up ahead, spotting a fading on the side of the road; Alexandria written across the top and in that instant, I made my decision. 

"I got faith in ye'!" I yelled as I took off, ignoring them as they yelled after me. 

I had to get back. 

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