Chapter Sixty Nine.

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I gave the door a light tap before opening it, seeing Daryl propped up on some pillows. 

"Hey," I murmured, closing the door behind me, "How're you feeling?" 

"Like shit," he whispered, "Glad to see ye' though." 

"'m glad to see you too." I murmured, moving to stand beside him. 

"When I saw him pointing tha' bat at ye'..." he whispered, taking my hand to kiss the back of it, "Ye' don't know how scared I was." 

"Tell me about it," I whispered, "That was going to be me." 

"Is wha' Carl said true?" he asked, "About ye' being pregnant?" 

"I don't know," I whispered, "I didn't see the test. I had to help Maggie. But Jesus said he was going to talk to Dr. Carson and see if he'll give me an ultrasound to see." 

"I hope ye' are," he said softly, giving me a smile. 

"Me too," I whispered, perching myself on the edge of the bed, "'cause if I'm not...Daryl, he'll kill me." 

"Don't say tha'. Ye' don't kno-" 

"He will!" I cried, "Daryl, I was supposed to be the one he killed. I only made it out of there because Carl told him I was pregnant. If I'm not...he's gonna come to Alexandria, see me, ask me how I'm doing, probably ask me to see a picture. If I don't have a photo...he'll definitely kill me."

He groaned as he pushed himself up on the bed, ignoring me when I tried to stop him and wrapped his good arm around my shoulder, "I won't let him. I promise ye' tha' he will not touch ye'. Even if I have to take the beating myself." 

"Don't be ridiculous," I hissed, finally looking at him, "I'm really scared, Daryl. He's going to be watching me like a hawk." 

He nodded, resting his forehead against mine and we sat in silence until there was a knock at the door. 

"Dr. Carson says he can give you a quick scan if you'd like." Jesus, sorry Paul, informed after entering and he glanced at Daryl, "Glad to see you're okay." 

Not wanting to leave my injured husband alone, I was hesitant in following him but Daryl taking me hand grabbed my attention. 



"But nothing," he murmured, "We need to know for sure and this is the most accurate way, righ'? Besides, yer jus' gonna be next door."

"I'll stay with him if you want," Paul offered, giving me a reassuring smile. 

"Go with her." 

The two of us turned to look at my husband, "What?" 

"I need ye' to go in there wi' her." he told Paul. 

"I don't think I'm very comfort-" 

"Believe me, I'd rather be goin' in there wi' her myself to see if we're havin' a kid," he continued, cutting him off, "But clearly, that isn't going to happen." 

"Daryl, I can go in myself," I murmured, "I'll be fine." 

He shook his head adamantly, "No. He's going wi' ye'." 

Sensing no room for argument, I nodded and leant in to give him a kiss before getting up. 

"Hey," Daryl said loudly, pointing at Paul, "Any information at all, ye' come tell me."

"Of course." 


In the next room, I was once again perched on the edge of a bed, tapping my fingers against my thighs as we waited. 

Paul looked bored, that was all I could describe his expression as. He looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else.

"You can go if you'd like," I told him, "It's not as if Daryl's going to know if you stayed or not." 

"I'm fine here," he replied, "Unless you'd like me to go. I mean I know that this is probably weird for you." 

"It is a little." I admitted.

"Okay then," he opened the door, "Then I'll be right outside." 

I gave him a lame thumbs up just before he closed it again and I went back to drumming on my thighs. 

I did that for a further ten minutes before Dr Carson came in, a clipboard in his hands and he gave me a bright smile. 

"Now," he began, handing me the board, "Before we start, I need you to fill this in. Basic information, anything you're allergic to, y'know? Just things like that." 

"Okay," I whispered, taking the pen from him as well and then spent the next couple of minutes writing everything down but it didn't take long since I wasn't allergic to anything. 

"If you'd like to just lie back," Carson instructed after I had handed it back to him, "Then we will get started." 

I doe as he said and scooted back, laying down properly and lifted my shirt up. 

He took his time in prepping me for the actual scan and I kept my eyes on the ceiling, letting out a shaky breath. 

Just as he was about to press the wand to my skin, I stopped him by sitting up. 

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered, "It's, I'm a little nervous. Could you...could you ask Paul to come back in?" 

"Of course," he said softly, "Just get comfortable." 

Paul was by my side again a few minutes later and this time when Carson placed the wand on my stomach, I didn't stop him. 

"There is your baby." he said seconds later and he turned the screen towards me, "It's small, can you see it? Right here."

The circle was small, very small actually but it was a baby. Mine and Daryl's baby.  

"Oh my god," I breathed, reaching up to wipe my tears away, "So, I'm pregnant?" 

"You're definitely pregnant." he said happily, pressing a few buttons on his machine and the sound of it printing off a picture filled the room. 

I could help but feel a little saddened. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I wasn't supposed to be in here with someone who wasn't my husband. Daryl was supposed to be here with me. He was supposed to be here to see his child, albeit a tiny fetus, for the first time. 

"Thank you," I whispered when he handed the photo to me and I immediately started shuffling off the bed, turning to Paul when I got to the door, "I-I need to go show Daryl, okay? Thank you for coming back in." 

"I completely understand," he murmured, "And don't worry about it." 

I gave him a smile and pulled the door open and darted into the corridor. 

Daryl was awake, staring at the wall but he looked my way as soon as I entered the room. 

"Hey," he said quickly, sitting up slightly and immediately wincing, "Well?" 

I silently crossed the room and climbed up onto the bed, turning the photo over to show him, "We're having a baby." 

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