Chapter Seventy Four.

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dear lord, that first episode was one of the toughest ones yet. like chris hardwick said on talking dead, we all knew someone we loved was going to die and that it'd be tough to watch but i certainly wasn't expecting for the group to lose two people.

i don't want to spoil anything just incase some of you guys haven't seen it but please, do let me know what you thought about the episode, did you guess correctly who it was who sadly died? do you think it was anyone's fault that the second death happened? let me know!



Two hours. That's how long Rick and Negan had been inside negotiating.

I saw negotiating but what is probably happening is that Negan is saying what he wants and Rick is agreeing to it. That's what I'd do anyway but then again, I'm a coward.

Finally, just as I was beginning to snooze against Daryl's shoulder, he was insisting that we wait and see what was going on, the door opened and the two men emerged.

Negan looked around at the small group that had gathered out on the porch, a smirk appearing on his face, "Well thank you for your time, Prick. I'll go get my men and we'll get started."

"Fine," Rick muttered, "Take your time."

"That's exactly what I'm going to do," Negan said. "Sarah," he then said, looking at me, "Come walk with me."

"Dammit." I whispered, pushing myself up from the bench, ignoring everyone else's gaze.

He was already making his way towards the gate by the time I caught up to him.

"You," he began, "Have a very special job in all this." 

"I do?" 

"Yes. You are going to be of making sure that every month, the correct amount of your shit, comes to me." He said, looking down at me.

"Oh," I whispered, "I don't think that I'm..." I trailed off at the terrifying expression in his face, "I mean sure. That sounds fine to me." 

"Correct answer." he said, another small smile on his face. 

We reached the gate and as soon as he opened it, a steady stream of vehicles drove in. Daryl had followed us and stood by me and the two of us watched as the men basically started ransacking the place. 

"I have to say, I really thought that it was going to be harder to get Rick to agree to this." the leather clad man said, "Well, I was hoping it'd be harder. Lucille hasn't had any action since your friend." 

Frowning, I took a swift step away from the deadly looking bat while Daryl started muttering under his breath. 

"Although," Negan continued, looking towards the infirmary when we heard some sort of commotion, "That could be about to change."

We approached the scene just as one of Negan's men and a man from the community came rolling down the steps to the porch fighting. 

Glenn and Rick quickly intervened and pulled our guy, who I recognised as Andrew, a man who was fairly new to this place but so far, he had seemed like nothing but a nice guy. 

Negan chuckled and twirled his bat around in his hands, "Oh yeah. She is definitely going to be seeing some action." 

"You son of a bitch!" Andrew seethed, glaring at the man beside me when Glenn and Rick had finally succeeded in separating them, "Who do you think you are?"

"Andrew, stop." I warned while Negan started to laugh. 

"No, he thinks he can come in here and take our stuff? I'm not going to let him do that and you sure as hell shouldn't either!" 

"Andrew, seriously." Glenn said and Negan took a step closer. 

"And who is going to stop me exactly?" 

"Me." Andrew says and from the inside of his jacket, he pulls a gun. 

"No!" I yell but he moves to pull the trigger anyway. 

Daryl immediately pulled me from harms way as two more of Negan's men appear as if from nowhere, one of them grabbing Andrew's arm just before the gun goes off and the bullet goes shooting up into the sky. 

Andrew stares at Negan as he moves closer, the anger in his eyes changing to fear when Negan starts twirling Lucille around, "This is Lucille. I believe that you're going to be very acquainted very soon." 

Knowing what was coming, I quickly moved behind Daryl, blocking the view and fisted the material of his vest when I hear the horrible sound of Andrew being bludgeoned to death. 

"It's become clear to me," Negan began loudly and I peeked over Daryl's shoulder to look at him. He was pissed. "That people around here haven't quite got the message." He looked at Rick, "Do these people know that they now belong to me?" 


"Yes?" he repeated, "Yes? Because seems like this asshole didn't have a clue! Should I just start beating you folks to death? Is that what it would take to get through to you people?" 

There was a larger crowd gathered and I finally stepped out from behind Daryl and Negan looks at me. 

" punishment for what he just did, and I know what you're thinking, that wasn't the punishment? No. No it wasn't. I'll be taking my friend back with me." 

"No," Rick and Daryl say immediately, "She isn't going anywhere with you." 

"That's where you're wrong," he smirks, "Either she comes with me, or I start killing every single one of the people here." 

When he says that, I realise that ultimately, the decision lies with me. Either I leave with him or people are going to die and I wasn't going to let that happen.

I stepped forward, "I'll go." 

"What?" Daryl hissed, grabbing my arm, "Sarah, no. Don't be stupid." 

"I have to." I whispered, stepping closer so he could hear me, "No one else is going to die because of me." I gave him a smile, "I'll be fine." 

"Yeah," Negan said loudly, "I'll take good care of her. Besides, it won't be forever. Just until I feel that every single one of you sorry shits gets the memo." 

"Sarah," Daryl begged and I rest my hand on his cheek, "Ye' don't have to do this." 

"I'll be fine." I repeated, "And I'll be back before you know it." 

"Tick tock," he said quietly, "I got places to go."

Daryl let out a deep breath and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly, "I love you." 

I gave him a kiss, "I love you. I'll see you soon. I promise." 

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