Chapter Ten.

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*Sarah's POV*

I don't really know how long had passed but Daryl and Carol hadn't come back so I was assuming that it hadn't been long but Rick, Bob, Tyreese and Sasha has also somehow disappeared outside too. 

The noise level had now decreased dramatically, the majority of us winding down for what we were hoping would be a good night's sleep. 

Carl was almost asleep, his head resting on my shoulder with Zeus' head in his lap when the doors to the church opened but I didn't really take notice of it until Sasha was up at the front with Gabriel and Carl, who could sense the sudden tension in the room, moved his head, watching the situation carefully. 

"Three of our people, are missing." Sasha said lowly and I quickly got up, searching for him. 

Normally, his eyes would be focused on me, watching me intently but my heart thumped when I didn't see him. 

"What did you do, Gabriel?" Rick asked quietly, grabbing the front of the man's shirt, "You'll burn for this. That was for you. What did you do?!" 

"I locked the door!" the priest yelled, letting out a quiet sob, "I always lock the doors at night. Atlanta had gotten bombed and during the night, the people must have made their way up here for a safe place. It was so early and the doors were locked. I could hear them screaming my name; begging me to help them. They were shouting so loud that the dead came for them." 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sophia, who had been silent pretty much since we had gotten here, peer out the windows, getting Glenn's attention when she saw something, "There's something been left on the grass outside." 

Sasha pushed past everyone with me following, ignoring Rick as he told us to wait. Like we were going to do that.

The two of us pushed the heavy doors to the church open, spotting the figure lying on the grass barely conscious. 

"Bob!" she shrieked, running down the steps but I stopped, my eyes scanning the trees a few feet away when the sudden feeling that we were being watched came over me. Zeus was growling beside me, staring at the trees with me. 

"His leg." Maggie whimpered as they continued to crowd around Bob with the exception of me and the younger ones. 

"Hey, watch out!" Sophia cried as walkers came from seemingly nowhere. 

"Get him back inside," Glenn instructed, "We got them."

It was just when they got Bob inside that a gunshot came from the trees, hitting a walker that Rick was intending on getting and he quickly fired his gun blindly until he ran out of bullets. 

"Get inside!" he yelled and turned around, pausing for just a second before joining me on the steps. 

"I think it's them. From Terminus." he muttered, hand resting on my lower back as he ushered me back into the church. 

"Are you sure?" I asked, keeping my voice down as to not worry anyone else should they overhear us. 

"Yeah." he mumbled, "We'll talk to Bob, find out what happened and maybe find out if they have Daryl and Carol too." 

Letting out a shaky breath, I followed him back over to where everyone had now crowded around the injured man again. They had lay him down on the floor and Sasha was holding his hand tightly.

I crouched down next to Carl and Sophia who I noticed had their hands brushing each other's as they looked on worriedly. 

"Can you tell us what happened?" Rick asked gently. 

Bob sat up slightly, stopping when the pain obviously became too unbearable, "I was in the graveyard. Got knocked over the head. Woke up in what I think was a school. It was that guy, Gareth. Him and a few others. They were sitting eating my leg right in front of me as if it was nothing." 

Eating his leg? Oh God. I could feel what food I had in my stomach threaten to come back up but I held it down. I had to know if Daryl could quite possibly going through this right now. 

"Bob?" I said meekly, almost too afraid to ask the question just in case I didn't like the answer, "Did you see Daryl and Carol?" 

He shook his head, "Gareth told me that they drove off." 

Others in the group murmuring amongst themselves in disbelief while I stared at the floor.

No. I refused to believe that he just got up and left. Carol too. If they'd gone, then they would have had a good reason.

Rick came to stand by me and I shook my head, "They wouldn't just leave for no reason. Rick, you know how loyal he is to you and to the group." I whispered and he rest his hand on my shoulder, his eyes showing that he agreed with me. 

"Rick," Glenn said quietly, grabbing both of our attention and we both looked down at Bob and my hand covered my mouth at the sight of his bloody shoulder. He had been bitten. 

"H-how?" Sasha stuttered, her eyes welling up with tears. 

"It happened at the foodbank." he replied sadly, "Don't waste supplies on me." 

Rick left our side and I looked up at Glenn, "How long do you think he has?" 

He shrugged, letting out a tired sigh, "He could have a while yet. There's no sign of a fever. We once had a guy in our group who lasted two days before he asked us to leave him." I then followed him over to where Rick and a few others were standing, "What's the plan?"

"I say we go to the elementary school. Hunt them down and end this." Rick said, looking at each of us individually. 

"That there sir is a negative," a voice said from behind us and we turned to see Abraham standing with his gun ready, "I am not ready to keep Eugene here in this hostile environment. We're leaving for D.C. Tonight."

"You really think out there is safer than in here?" Rick asked, "There's more of us than there are of them." 

"How do you know that?" he retorted, "Two memebers of your group have abandoned yo-"

"They have not abandoned us!" I interrupted, "They're going to come back." 

"She's right," Maggie agreed, "And when they do, we can all go to Washington together." 

Abraham shook his head again, "We're leaving now." 

Rick sighed as he, Rosita and Eugene moved toward the door, "You're not taking the bus." 

This wasn't going to go well.

Abraham turned, a frown etched on his face, "We spent all day fixing up that vehicle outside. We're taking it."

"Yeah and we saved your life." Rick hissed and the rest of us watched with bated breath. 

Before it could escalate any further, Glenn stepped in between them, "Hey! Listen. What makes you so sure that if you step out that door, that they're not waiting for one of us to step out. Stay tonight," he then held his hand when Abraham tried to cut him off, "If you stay tonight, I promise that Maggie, Tara and I will go with you to D.C."

A few quiet moments passed before Abraham nodded, "You've got us until morning." 

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