Chapter Thirteen.

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Ooh look, a surprise chapter. Nah, I just thought I'd update today cause I had a lot of lovely messages about the previous one. I hope you like it! 


*Sarah's POV*

Noah was the one who fired the shots into the air. Since they were looking for him, he volunteered to do it.

Rick had us all waiting behind a nearby building. The shotgun in my hands mainly just for show. 

I was excited. It didn't happen very often but I was. We were going to get Beth back and then make our way to Washington and then I would see both her and Maggie reunite. 

"Heads up." Daryl murmured and I regained focus on a car pulling up, a man and a woman dressed like cops quickly getting out and pointing guns at Noah. 

"Drop it Noah," the female said sternly, watching as he dropped the gun to the floor, "Did you really think you could get away? Thought you were better than this." 

The guy pulled a cable tie from his back pocket and began tying his hands together, "This we wouldn't hear...wait, where are the rotters?" 

Rick took this as a cue and stepped out from behind the wall, letting out a low whistle, "Hands."

The two of them spun around, guns raised but they were met with the five of us pointing our own at them.

"Whatever this is, we can help." the man said. 

"You do what we say, we won't hurt you." Rick answered.

"Okay," he breathed, "Okay." 

The woman stared at him in disbelief before complying and they both put their guns down on the ground. 

"I got 'em." I mumbled, grabbing the guns and Daryl handed me his knife as I passed him so I could cut Noah free and while I was doing that, Sasha and him tied the two officers up. 

"We need to talk," Rick informed the two of them, "We got some water and food if you need it but we'll talk about it inside."

"You mind if I ask you something?" the guy asked, wincing as Daryl pulled him up from the ground, "The way you talk...way you carry yourself, were you a cop?" 

My eyes flitted to Rick, only to see him staring at the guy with hard eyes. 

"Believe it or not," the guy chuckled, "I was too." 

"That's Lamson," Noah told us, "He'll be down for this. He's one of the good ones." 

The sound of screeching tyres made us look up; a black car came fleeing around the corner and we barely had time to move before it was coming to a stop in front of us and Daryl tugged me safely behind a dumpster. 

I managed to shoot a couple of bullets into the side of the car but it didn't do much damage. 

Lamson opened the door for the female, climbing in after her and the car sped off again. 

"Go!" Daryl yelled and we both followed the rest of the group as they ran after it. 

Rounding a corner, Rick held up his hand to stop us and I saw that the car they were in was now abandoned and a few feet from that there were walkers. But these ones looked as if they were melted into the ground and were pathetically moaning and reaching for us as we passed by them. 

"Over there!" I cried as the two we had tied up ran past a gap and Rick took off after them. 

"Two, on me!" 

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