Chapter Twenty One.

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*Sarah's POV*

I was planning on taking in some cans of food we had brought along with us but that all went out the window when I heard Daryl follow me onto the RV. 

"Hello," I said quietly, looking at him over my shoulder. I heard him come up behind me, feeling his fingertips trail up my arm, his lips pressing against the skin of my shoulder when he moved the sleeve of my shirt down, "What are you doing?" 

"Jus' thought I could get a little bit of alone time wi' ye'." he mumbled and I smiled to myself, turning to wrap my arms around his neck. 

"That sounds fun but we have to..." I trailed off when his lips latched onto my neck and I sighed happily, "Okay. Just for a little bit." 

I felt him smile against my neck before his hands lifted me onto the small table and I made sure to duck slightly so I didn't bump my head. 

His lips were against mine again, his hands twisting into my hair while I kept my hands on his shoulders, playing with the collar of his shirt but he rest his forehead against mine. 

"We," I whispered, "Are finishing this when we get to Aaron's community." 

"Definitely," he hummed, giving me another soft kiss. 

He helped me carry the cans of food into the building. To be honest, I didn't even know this place was but I didn't care. 

Maggie had informed us that the guy, who we found out was called Eric, had a broken ankle and was now resting in one of the back rooms. 

Daryl then went outside to wait for Rick and the others to come back while we all settled down for the night inside. 

"Hey," Abraham said quietly, catching my attention as he sat down beside me, "Do you trust them?" 

"I do," I whispered, "I don't know why, but I do." 

He let out a sigh that sounded like it was in relief, "Good. Me too. We need this." 

"We do." I agreed, looking up at the door when there was three light taps on the door, meaning that someone or something was coming. 

Carl was the first one out of of the building and we all followed him out and I smiled when I saw that everyone had made it back safely. 

I gave both Rick and Glenn tight hugs before moving back, Daryl coming to rest his arm on my waist.

"Your sister okay?" Rick asked Carl and he nodded.

"Yeah, she's inside." 

Aaron came rushing past Rick, looking around frantically for his friend, "Eric? Eric?" 

"I'm in here!" Eric called and I smiled at him. 

"He's in the supply room." 

He nodded and rushed inside, Rick following and we all then followed more slowly, most of us talking about what had happened and how we had gotten separated. 

"Are any of you hurt?" I asked, looking at each of them and they all shook their heads. 

"Excuse me," Aaron said loudly as he entered the room, "I...I just want to say thank you. You saved Eric and I owe you. All of you and I will make sure that the debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria." 

We all gave him smiles while he nodded to answer Rick's question. 

"Now, I'm not sure about you," he continued, "But I'd rather not do anything tonight. Maybe we can rest and hit the road tomorrow morning." 

"That sounds fine," Rick agreed from behind him, "But if we're staying here for the night, you're staying over there." 

"Rick," I sighed, "Do you really think we have to do that?" 

"It's the safe play. We don't know him." 

"The only way you're gonna stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me." Aaron said seriously and I smiled, realising how much he cared for Eric. 

We all stayed silent as Aaron tried to push past Rick but Glenn stops him, leaning over to whisper that we can't hear and after a while, Rick nods, letting Aaron pass by him. 

Sensing that the tension has now disappeared, I grabbed Daryl's hand and pulled him to where I had set up our stuff and Daryl puts his crossbow down before settling on the quilt beside me. 

"You actually gonna sleep tonight?" I asked, looking up at him as I lay down. 

"You were sleepin'. How the hell did you know tha' I wasn't?"

My hands toyed with the blanket we were laying on, smiling smugly at him, "I know everything." 

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and got comfortable, letting me rest my head on his arm, "That's true." 


Early the next morning, we had all piled back onto the RV and start our journey to Alexandria.

 Quite a few of us are in here and we had to find ways to amuse ourselves; playing card games or talking quietly.  

I'm resting against Daryl's shoulder, reading a mystery novel that I had found in the back room but just as I'm getting into the plot, the vehicle shudders and then comes to a stop. 

I hold Judith on the ground while Daryl climbs onto the RV and keeps watch. The baby is babbling away to herself and I bounce her up and down gently, the silence soon being filled with her high pitched giggles. 

Carl smiles at the two of us and comes over, "I haven't heard her do that before." 

I shrugged, "Yeah? Well I guess I just bring out the best of her." 

The two of us keep talking until the RV suddenly roars to a start behind us and I hand Judith over to him again and climb back on. We want to get there as soon as we can for Eric. Apparently Aaron wants him to see the doctor in Alexandria. 

I play a card game with Eugene and Tara while Daryl attempts to read the book I was reading but after a couple of minutes, he tossed it off to the side, watching us play instead. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, seeing that my face is contorted into some weird expression and I shake my head. 

"I do not understand what we're doing here." I admit, "I've never played...what are we playing again?" 

Tara laughs and deals the cards again, "You don't have to play if you don't want to."

"Oh thank God." I mutter, throwing my cards at her. 

The RV comes to a stop again and for a second, I thought that we'd broken down again but I know I'm wrong when Rosita turns to us. 

"We're here."


I have an idea in my head for another story, it's not a Daryl one, or a walking Dead one for that matter but an Ashton Irwin one...I'm not really sure if I'm gonna post it or not since I don't know if anyone would read it. I'll need to think about it. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, even though it wasn't my best. 

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