Chapter Sixty Seven.

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I tense up at the sound of Carl's voice, one eye opening to glance up at Negan, who's jaw is clenched and he sighs deeply. 

"What did I just say?" he asked, advancing on the teen, "Are you trying to make me kill you?" 

"Carl," Rick says sternly but his son ignores him, staring defiantly up at the man in front of him as if he hadn't just threatened to take his other eye. 

"No," Carl says loudly, "He has to know." 

Negan twirls the bat around in his hand, "I have to know what?" 

Carl looks at me, seeing the confused and petrified expression on my face then looks up at him again, "I don't think she knows yet, but she's pregnant." 

A quiet gasp leaves my lips as Negan looks at me, my hands shaking as he stalks his way back towards me an out of the corner of my eye, I see Daryl struggling against Michonne, who has a hand on his arm to stop him from moving. 

"I saw the test in your bathroom when I went looking for towels to drape over Maggie," he explained, "So you can't kill her." 

"Carl." Rick said again. 

Negan looks between me and Daryl, seeing his reaction towards all his and another twisted smile comes across his face as he points the bat between us, just like he had done to Rick and Carl, "You two? Been getting busy have we?" 

I cower back when he points his beloved bat at me, the barbed wire inches from my face and Daryl tries harder to get away from Michonne.

"Today's your lucky day," Negan says quietly, "Who am I to deny the opportunity of procreation? Especially in times like these. But that does mean that someone else has be picked." 

Then, before anyone can react, he brings the bat down on Abraham's head beside me, the sickening crack echoing throughout the woods along with Sasha's scream. 

He falls, hands braced on the ground in front of him but he still stares up at the man, looking him straight in the eye. 

"Look at that!" Negan yells gleefully, "Taking it like a champ!"

The men around us continue to yell and cheer when he brings the bat over his head again and this time, the barbed wire catches on skin, tearing it as he pulls it back. 

Sasha is still screaming, others in the group yelling for him to stop as the bat comes down for a third and final time, Abraham's blood hits the side of my face and Maggie grips my shirt tighter as I begin to cry and shake. 

"Well," Negan grins triumphantly, "Wasn't that something? Never have I ever seen someone take a beating from Lucille like that. That. Was. Awesome.

My eyes move on their own accord down to the body of our friend and I instantly regret it; my stomach lurches and seconds later, I am throwing up on the ground in front of him.

I feel his eyes on me before he's moving towards Rick, "Now that, that wasn't so bad, was it?" 

"I'm going to kill you." Rick says venomously and the man before him laughs and spreads his arms out. 

"Hit me with your best shot," he taunts, "Now would be your best chance but even then, you lay one finger on me and my Saviours are gonna mess you up big time." he then holds up four fingers, "We'll be there for our first haul in a week. Until then." 

I cower back again as he heads for a jeep that's parked a few feet away and he notices, his hard eyes scrutinizing me before he's pulling a rag from his pocket which he hands to me. 

"Take care of yourself. And that baby. I'd hate for your friend's sacrifice to be for nothing." 

His vehicle takes off and one by one, the others follow and soon, our group is all that's left in the clearing and I raise a shaky hand, using the rag to wipe my mouth, throwing it off to the side when I spot some blood mixed in there too. 

"Abraham," Sasha sobs, stumbling over to his body and we watch silently as her hands hover uselessly above him, not knowing what to do with them. 

I start to cry as the realisation that that was supposed to be me creeps over me again as Rick moves to try and comfort Sasha and moments later, Michonne gets up from her place beside Daryl to go to him. 

I crawl over to Daryl who's still staring at Abraham's body but he looks up when I get closer to him. 

"Thank God," he mutters when I wrap my arms around him. 

I hide my face in his neck, starting to cry again, "That should be me." 

His arms tighten around me and I hear him hiss in pain, making me pull away again. 

"You're hurt," I whispered, lifting up the blanket to inspect his arm, "What happened? Was it a bullet?" 

"Yeah," he nodded. 

"Okay well we'll get you to the Hilltop and you can get it fixed." I stutter, lifting his arm up so I could check for an exit wound, finding none, "You'll be okay." 

"Sarah," he muttered but I shook my head. 

"No. Please. I don't...I can't think about it. Not now. Please don't make me." 

He looks at me intently, using his good arm to reach out and wipe my tears away and when he pulls it back, I see blood staining his skin. Abraham's to be precise. 

I let out another shaky breath, remembering the sounds of the bat making contact with his head, the sound of Sasha's sobs and I feel myself beginning to hyperventilate. 

"Don't," Daryl whispers, "C'mon, breathe."

I nod and put my head between my knees, feeling him rub my back. Today has truly been one of the worst days of my life and as for the group, I really didn't see how we were going to come back from this. 

We were broken. 


i really like you guys like this update. your comments on the last one really made me smile, so thank you 

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