Chapter Twenty Four.

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*Sarah's POV*

Deanna's house is beautifully furnished. That's the first thing I really notice as she leads me through to the room we'd be conducting the interview in. 

"Please," she says, gesturing to a comfortable looking armchair, "Have a seat. Do you mind if I record this?" 

"No," I reply as I sit down, "Go ahead."

"I just spoke with your husband, right?" she asked and I nodded, hoping that I'd be able to carry on with this charade. Damn it Carol. "He's not much of a talker, is he?" 

"No," I murmured, "He just needs a little bit of time. We've been out there for so long and it's been just us. I think it's going to take a little bit of time for all of us to adjust being here. Not just Daryl." 

"I understand," she smiled, clasping her hands together, "So tell me about you. What did you do before?" 

"Worked in a music store. Took a couple of classes." 

"What did you take classes for?" 

"T-teaching," I stuttered, startled by her sudden interruption, "I was wanting to become a teacher. I only took a few though."

"That could still be useful," she nods, writing something down in her notebook, "We have a school here in Alexandria and we're a little short on people who would teach. We have one woman who teaches the younger children but need someone for the older class. I think I would like you to do it." 

"Me?" I gaped, "I-I don't know what I would teach them...if I could teach them!" 

"Don't worry. We have quite the selection of educational books here and the parents of those who you will be teaching have written down what they want them to learn. I see you're still skeptical," she says, smiling at me again, "And that's okay. How about this? You teach them until we find someone else who can." 

I stayed quiet, toying with my hands as I thought about it. I suppose that it would be kind of fun but also, it was a little daunting. I can't teach! Just thinking about all the kids staring at me was enough to put me off. 

I kept staring at my hands until Deanna snapped me back with my name. Well, not my name, "Mrs Dixon? Sarah?" I looked up to see her watching me, "Think about it, okay? You can give me your answer tomorrow." 

"Okay," I mumbled, "Are we done?" 

"Yes," she laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I got up from the chair, giving her a quiet goodbye before pulling the door open. 

Daryl was leaning against the wall and he pushed off when I came out, "Ye' done?" 

"Mhmm," I nodded, closing the door behind me, "We can go." 

"How'd it go?" he asked, holding the door open for me. 

"Okay. Although for some reason, she says that you're not much of a talker. I really have no idea where that came from 'cause you talk the ear off me." Knowing that I was teasing, he gave me a quiet 'humph' in reply and I laughed, wrapping my arm around his, "Nah. I'm kidding. She wants me to teach." 

"Teach? Teach wha'?" 

"Math? History? I don't know." 

"Do you want to do it?" he asked, glancing down at me.

"I don't know," I said honestly, "There's a part of me that thinks that it could be fun. And then there's a part of me saying that the whole thing is stupid. I mean, what is the point of school in the middle of the apocalypse?" 

"Maybe," he mumbled, leading me up the porch steps to Rick's house, apparently when I was in there with Deanna, he had found Daryl and said that he wanted to see everyone. "Maybe it's them trying to get a sense of normality again. And getting their kids to go to school, might be the way to do it." 

I stared up at him when he held the door open for me again, "That's a very good theory, Mr Dixon."

"I believe I was due one." he joked and I followed him into the sitting area where everyone from the group was gathered. 

"Well, looky here," Glenn called, bringing everyone's attention to us, "It's Mr and Mrs Dixon! Sorry I couldn't come to the wedding, I was too busy attending a unicorn's birthday party." 

The rest of them snickered as Rick came into the room. 

"Woah," I breathed, taking a step back from him. 

"I know, I know," he muttered, gesturing to his now bare face, "I look completely different." 

I quickly looked away and made my way over to take a seat on the window ledge. Looking around, I saw that I wasn't the only one who had taken advantage of a hot shower. 

"The reason why I asked you all to come here," Rick began while Daryl came to sit on the floor by my legs, "Was because I feel as if Deanna and her people are trying to split us up." 

"We're not really that far apart," Tara said, "At most, Sarah and Daryl are just right across the street." 

"I want us all to stay together," Rick then continued, ignoring her and he raised his voice when everyone groaned, "Just for tonight to make sure that they don't try anything."

"If they were going to-" Maggie started but he interrupted her.

"Just for my peace of mind. Please, just for tonight." 

Daryl sighed quietly and leant back against what I was sitting on, "We'll stay." 

"We will?" I asked, looking at him and he nodded, "Well I'll need to go get Zeus. I don't want to leave him there on his own." 

"Alright," Rick nodded, "Go get him and then bring him back here and we'll settle in for the night." 

"Okay," I mumbled and got up, "I'll be back in a few.."

After leaving the house, I jogged down the steps and started walking across to the bungalow.


I turned to see Deanna walking towards the house, well Rick's place and I gave her a small smile, "Hi." 

"Is Rick inside?" she asked when she reached me and I nodded. 


She gave me a nod and I turned to continue my way across to get Zeus but hen I stopped, "Deanna?" 


"About the teaching thing," I began, biting down on my lip, "I'll do i

Surviving. (Book Two.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora