Chapter Forty Seven.

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I am sooooo sorry about the ridiculous amount of time that has went by. Hopefully, this won't happen again.



I could see the walls just up ahead but I could also see what appeared to be the source of the horn Rick was talking about.

A big ass truck. One that looked like from the food place that Aaron and I had been trapped at.

As I rode up to the gates, I could see Deanna's son guarding the truck and that she was inside it and I got off the bike, killing the engine. "Hey!" I yelled, grabbing Spencer's attention, "Wha' happened?"

"People," he called back, "From outside the walls. They got in. They were killing people."

I gave a quick thanks before pushing the bike through the still open gate, making sure to close and lock it again behind me.

Looking around, I could see that there was bodies everywhere and the whole place was eerily quiet.


I looked up at the sound of Aaron's voice and I quickly left my bike and moved over in front of him, "Where is she?"

"What are you doing back?" he asked, ignoring me, "Where is everyone else?"

"Dammit Aaron, just tell me where she is." I growled. Every second I was standing here and not seeing her, was worrying me even more.

"She's at the surgery."

"Wha'?" I demanded, "Why? Is it serious?"

"She got hurt," he finally admitted and I pushed past him, "But she's alright! It's just a cut!"

I let out a deep breath and picked up the pace, taking the steps of the porch two at a time.

The door hit the wall with the force I pushed it open with, startling everyone who was inside.

"Daryl?" Sarah gaped while Maggie ran off outside. I didn't stop her to say that I was the only one back. I just crossed to where Sarah was perched on the bed, cradling her face in my hands.

"Ye' alrigh'?" I whispered, looking her over for the injury that Aaron was talking about.

"I'm fine," she replied, "I just got a little cut."

I stepped back and looked down, seeing that a good part of her pant leg had been cut away, "Let me see."

She let out a hiss as I gently raised her leg, catching sight of the stitches that were there, "Jesus."

"Could've been dead if it wasn't for Carol," she mumbled, "Where's everyone else?"

I chose to ignore what she said about almost dying, "They're still out there. We had to do it today but I heard wha' was goin' on here 'nd I came back."

I winced when she gave my chest a hard shove, "You left them?"

"I had to make sure ye' were okay. 'm a little confused though," I admitted, "Are ye' mad tha' I came back?"

She gave me a fond smile and placed her hand on my cheek, "Of course not. I'm just surprised that you did. You know that you have to go back though, right?"

"Yeh." I muttered, "I know."

"Oh my god!" she suddenly gasped, gripping my forearms as she started shimmying off the bed.

"Wha' are ye' doin'?"

"I-I have to go back to the school. Mikey, Sophia and Marie, they're still in there and I need to know if everyone's okay." she whispered and I caught her she failed to even take one step, "Stupid anesthetic."

I caught her as she failed to even take one step, hoisting her into my arms, "I'll carry ye' there before I head back out."

"You don't have to," she muttered, wriggling about in my grasp, "Could go myself."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up 'nd let me do this."

Shrugging, she got comfortable for the short journey and wrapped her arm around my neck, her hand playing with the ends of my hair.

Approaching the garage, she reached into her pocket and grabbed the keys, exhaling quietly, "I really hope they're still in here."

"Where else would they go?" I asked, watching as she attempted to bend down to unlock the door and instead of watching her struggling, I took the keys from her and unlocked it.

"Thank you," she whispered as I tugged the door open and she let out sigh of relief when the three youngsters emerged from behind a corner.

"Are ye' all alrigh'?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Sarah's waist to keep her standing, "Any of 'em come in?"

"No," Sophia said, shaking her head, "None. We thought they were gonna but they didn't."

"Good," Sarah whispered, "Okay, we...we need to find your parents. Let's go."

"Sarah," I muttered, grabbing her arm, "Ye' can hardly walk. Sophia can take her back to 'em. 'm gonna take ye' back to the house where yer gonna rest."

Thankfully, she agreed and let me help her back to the house.

As I carried her up the path to the small bungalow, I was glad to see that had made it through this whole thing without even getting a window broken.
Sarah let out a sigh of relief when I pushed the door open and Zeus came running up to us; barking and whimpering.
"Oh boy," she whispered, crouching in front of him when I put her down, "I'm so glad that you're okay."
"Why didn't they come in 'ere?" I muttered to myself, walking into every room to make sure that no one was laying low here, waiting for her  to come back.
"I don't know," she whispered, resting her head against Zeus', "But I'm glad." She then looked up at me, "You need to go back out there. Go back to the rest of the group. They need you."
I approached her to help her stand up again, "I'm goin'."
She smiled up at me, her hand resting on my chest, "Then you better come back to me."
I nodded, watching as she done the top button of my shirt, "I will. Promise."

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