Chapter Twenty Two.

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*Sarah's POV*

One by one, we stepped off the RV back into the blistering heat and I make sure to put Zeus on his leash so he doesn't run off.

Looking around, I saw that there was indeed a solid metal wall surrounding the area. Well at least Aaron wasn't lying about that. 

Maggie helped him get Eric down the small step to the ground before leaving them to approach the gate. It looked slightly sinister, like Woodbury. 

But then I hear it; the laughter and shouting of children along with chatter and I look at Daryl, smiling softly.

"Are you ready?" I hear Michonne ask Rick and look over in time to see him nodding. 

Just then, the gate opens and I wince at the loud squealing noise that it made and as a habit, I looked around to check that nothing had heard and was coming towards us and behind the gate, there's a man with short brown hair and he looks at us all curiously. 

I suddenly leap away from the side of the road when some old metal garbage cans crash against each other and Daryl immediately shoots and whatever it was, let out a small squeak and I frown at him when he picks it up by the tail. 

What a good first impression. 

"Wha'?" Daryl grunts, dangling the possum closer to me, "We brought dinner." 

The guy is now staring at us with judgemental eyes and Aaron returns from helping Eric get inside, "It's okay guys, come in."

We all shuffle slowly inside and my mouth drops as I look at what could potentially be our new safe haven. 

This place is beautiful. 

"Woah, woah, woah," the other guy says and we all stop, "You need to turn in your weapons before you go any further." 

Subconsciously, everyone holds their guns closer to their chest and Zeus even lets out a low growl while everyone glances uneasily at each other. 

The guy, sensing our hesitation, sighs loudly, "Look, if you're going to be staying here, you need to turn in your weapons." 

"We don't know if we wanna stay." Rick says quietly and Aaron steps forward. 

"It's okay, Nicholas." 

"If we were going to use them," Rick then continues, "Don't you think we would've by now." 

"How about we let them talk to Deanna first, huh?" Aaron then suggested and Nicholas reluctantly nods. 

"Who's she?" I ask and Aaron turns to me. 

"Don't worry. She knows everything you need and what you should know about this place. Rick, how about you go first?" 

There's a low growl from outside the gate and I turn briefly to see one lone walker making it's way across the road. 


She nods and lines up her shot; the walker falling to the ground after a quiet pop sounds in the air. 

"It's a good thing we're here," Rick then says quietly as we started following Aaron to meet Deanna. 


We were all sat on the porch outside of what Aaron had told us was Deanna's house. 

Rick was inside, having his 'interview' and it turns out that since we were such a large group, she was wanting to talk to each of us individually.  

Aaron is still with us and I notice that he's watching Daryl closely as he paces back and forth. Then as if he feels my stare, he looked up at me, giving me a weak smile. "If you'd like," he began, "While we're waiting, I could show you the houses you'd be staying in." 

"Not 'till Rick comes out." Daryl muttered and Glenn nods in agreement. 

"It's not that we don't trust you," I murmured, "It's just..."

He shook his head, "No. It's okay." 

I wrapped my arms around my torso before taking a seat on the porch beside Daryl. 

"I feel so outta place 'ere," he muttered, placing the possum down between the two of us, "Look at me." 

"I am," I said quietly, "I always am." 

He smiled a little, looking up when the door opened. 

"Well?" Abraham asked as Rick emerged.

"We give in our guns and then she wants to talk to you all." 

The whole group got up from their seats and followed both him and Aaron as he led us to the armory so we could hand everything in. "You're allowed to keep your knives and such but not guns. A precaution." 

As we approach, a woman gives us a large smile while she rolls a cart towards us and Aaron informs us that her name is Olivia. "They're still your guns," she explains while she watches us place our various weapons in the cart, "You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall. But in here, we store them for safety." 

It's amazing how many guns we actually have. The cart is practically full.

Carol steps forward and puts her large gun on top of all the rest and Olivia gives a weak laugh while toying with her glasses, "Well, I think I might need another bin for that one." 

Aaron watches as she walks away, a small smile on his face as he turns around, "So are you willing to check out the houses now?"


Soon everyone has been given their houses except from Rick, Carl, Daryl and myself.

"Since there are three of you," Aaron says to Rick, "I thought that this one would be good for you." He then turns to us, "And for you two, the one behind us." 

I turn and nestled between two of the larger houses is a sweet little bungalow and I can't help but smile. "Thank you," I say quietly, turning back to look at Aaron while Daryl starts walking up the front path, "For everything." 

He gives me a smile, "I hope you enjoy. I'll leave you to get settled in and let you do whatever you have to do. I'm sure Deanna will catch up with you all soon." 

After he left us, Rick gave me a wave before following  an excited Carl into their...well, their home. 

I turned back to the house, glancing up and down the street to see if there was anybody about but it was completely silent and I finally made my way up the path to the house. 

Pushing the door open, I spotted Daryl sitting rigidly on the sofa. 

I reluctantly sat down on the pristine white cushion beside him. I didn't want to stain it with my dirty clothes.

"Well," I said quietly, "This is...nice, huh?" 

He nodded, "Guess so. Kinda feels like 'm in a cage though." 

Knowing that he was struggling with this sudden change, I placed my hand on his knee, "I think it's just because we've been out there for so long." 


"Will you give this place a chance?" I ask, shuffling closer to him, "Please." 

He looks at me for a couple of seconds before nodding, "Alrigh'. For you, I will." 

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