Chapter Fifty Five.

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I swear to God I was gonna kill this guy. Not only had he managed to trick us, he had somehow almost kicked both of our asses, slipped out of the restraints and hitched a ride on the roof of our truck, which he stole. 

Now to top off a shitty day, Rick and I were standing at the edge of a lake, watching as said truck sank to the bottom. 

"That went well," I stated sarcastically, glancing back at Jesus, who was lying unconscious, "C'mon, let's go." 

"We can't just leave him here, Daryl," Rick said seriously, "He did stop you from getting bit." 

Dammit, he had a point, "Fine. We keep him watched at all times." 

"I won't argue with that." Rick agreed, grabbing hold of his arms while I grabbed his feet, "Now please, let's get home. We've had a rough enough day as it is."


We got home when it was dark and after having Denise check him over, we took Jesus to the house that we held Morgan for the first couple of days and this time, we made sure to bound his ankles and wrists tightly. 

"I'll get Tobin to come take watch over him. I'll take over in the morning." Rick murmured, placing a note by his feet along with a glass of water. 

"Alrigh'," I nodded, eagerly heading for the door behind him when I remembered that Sarah was at home waiting for me. 

The two of us walked together until Rick broke off to go find Tobin, who I'm pretty sure was on gate duty and I picked up the pace, wanting to get back quicker. 

The house was silent as I closed the door behind me but one lamp in the living room was still on. 

"Sarah?" I asked quietly, not wanting to startle her if she was there but I got no reply so with furrowed eyebrows, I moved further into the room and peered over the back of the sofa. She was there but she was sound asleep, arm dangling over the edge. 

With a small smile on my face, I bent down and lifted her into my arms, glancing down at her when she shifted slightly but I was glad when she didn't wake.

Slowly, I moved through the house, managing to get to the bedroom without walking into or tripping over anything and as I placed her down, she let out a soft groan before her eyes fluttered open, "Daryl?" 

"Yeah," I muttered, "Who else would it be? Have ye' got some other man tha' I don't know about?" 

She let out a tired laugh, "Oh yeah, sure. He climbed out of the window just before you came back." 

I rolled my eyes and stood up, quickly getting changed into something that was comfortable to sleep in and crawled into the bed, letting her shuffle closer to me. 

"I'm kidding," she whispered, "What took you so long?" 

I shook my head, closing my eyes, "Ye' don't even wanna know." 

"I do," she mumbled tiredly, her head moving to rest on my shoulder as she took my hand, "Tell me." 

"This guy," I hissed, "He's like a freakin' ninja." 

"Did you find anything?" 

"We had this truck," I informed her, "'nd it was full of food, supplies. Then tha' prick took it. We chased 'm down and got it back. Cable tied him and left him at the side of the road." 

"And then?" 

"He got outta them and managed to hitch a ride on the roof." 

"Woah," she breathed, "I see what you mean about the ninja thing. Where is he now?" 

"He's where we kept Morgan." I answered, "We're gonna try and get some answers tomorrow. Doubt he'll talk though." 

"He will," she hummed, kissing the base of my throat, "Glad I didn't go with you." 

Smiling, I looked down at her to see that she had already closed her eyes again and kissed her forehead, "Go back to sleep." 

And she did. 



It felt as if I had just closed my eyes again when there was three harsh knocks at the front door, which had Daryl up and out of bed in seconds and he returned moments later and began pulling on his pants. 

"S'goin on?" I yawned, sitting up to rub the sleep from my eyes. 

"He's gone. Dammit, I knew it would happen." he hissed and suddenly, I was wide awake. 

"I'm coming with you," I muttered, throwing the blankets off of me while reaching over to grab my boots. 

"Ye' don't have to." 

"Oh please, I wanna meet this dude who kicked both yours and Rick's asses." 

"Hey," she said roughly, "I said almost." 

I rolled my eyes and followed him outside, being met with Denise, Maggie and Glenn, "Where would he go?" 

"He'd try 'nd find Rick." Daryl muttered, pulling his gun from his belt as he changed direction to go to  Rick's house, "He said he wanted to talk." 

"Great," I huffed, struggling to keep up with him, "And if he's not there?"

"He will be." 

"Why did you even bring him back here?" Glenn asked, "You don't seem to be too keen on the guy." 

"Rick wanted to. 'nd he saved my life." 

I gave him a confused look, well his back a confused look as we finally reached the gate to Rick's house and Daryl wasted no time in shoving the door open and going for the stairs. 

Sitting on the top of them, there was a man who was dressed in black leather, a beanie hat pulled over his impressive long hair and behind him, Carl, Michonne and Rick were all pointing their weapons at him. 

And I didn't fail to notice that both the adults were barely dressed and I sent Michonne a knowing look, which she brushed off. 

"Hi," the guy said quietly, waving at the three of us at the bottom of the stairs, "I'm Jesus." 


this is so boring, i'm sorryyy

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