Chapter Forty Three.

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A couple days had passed and today was the day that we were starting to build up new walls so we could direct walkers away from Alexandria. 

I woke up to Daryl clattering about in the bathroom and seconds later, the door flew open, his head appearing around it to see if he had woken me. 

"Sorry," he said apologetically when he saw that I was indeed awake, "My foot got caught on one of the damn towels."

"Don't worry," I mumbled, glancing at the clock on the table, my eyes widening at how late in the morning it was, "Why didn't you wake me?" 

He shrugged, watching as I quickly got out of bed, "Ye' looked too peaceful 'nd I didn't want to wake ye'."

"You're sweet," I smiled, pecking his lips lightly, "But we have to meet the others soon." 

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, "Now get in the shower before I take ye' back to bed." 

I watched as he left the room, a smile on my face. I liked this Daryl. He was a lot more playful and always seemed a lot more relaxed. I showered quickly, rushing back into the bedroom when I caught sight of the clock through the door. 

"Christ woman, ye' don't need to rush." Daryl said from the bed where he was throwing a ball up in the air and catching it, "We can take our own sweet time 'nd jus' meet them there." 

I shushed him while grabbing my clothing for the day and disappeared back into the bathroom, "Get ready to leave as soon as I'm ready!" 


As predicted, we were indeed late and the two of us rode up and found that everyone was already busy getting the wall built.

"About time you got here!" Glenn called, giving us a cheeky smile as I climbed off the bike, "What have you two been up to?" 

Maggie gave him a shove before grabbing my hand and tugging me over to a van that was filled with water. I turned to give Daryl a wave, telling him that I'd be back to help in a couple of minutes. 

"I need to tell you something," she said quietly as she tugged me round to the front of the vehicle. 

She had a giddy, if not creepy, smile on her face and I let out a nervous laugh, "Maggie? Yeah, you're kinda freaking me out right now. What is it?" 

"I'm pregnant." she gushed and I felt my mouth fall open. 

"Oh my god!" I shrieked, throwing my arms around her neck, "You've been wanting this for so long." 

And she had. I remember her expressing her longing for a child back at the prison. Looks like she managed to get Glenn on board.

"It's early days, I know," she began, "But I just couldn't wait to tell you." 

"Hey Maggie, do you have an-" Glenn was cut off by me shrieking again and launching myself into his arms. 


He laughed and gave my back a couple of pats, "Thanks. We're really quite excited." 

I stepped back and watched as he embraced his wife and I actually bounced on my feet before leaping on the two of them, whispering another quiet 'congratulations' to them. 

Glenn disappeared back over to where he was working and a cowl crossed my features when Nicholas emerged from behind a truck. 

"I don't get it," Tara said, suddenly appearing beside the two of us "He got Noah killed and he's acting as if nothing happened." 

"Yeah," I mumbled, taking two plastic cups from Deanna as she passed by with a tray, "That's not all. I'll talk to you guys later."

I left them then, closing the distance between Daryl and I, handing him one of the cups. 

"Thanks," he mumbled, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 

I smiled and looked around, "What can I do?" 

"Well we're gonna need holes for the supports. Ye' can help me dig a couple." 

"Great!" I said enthusiastically, taking the shovel from him, "Then that's what we'll do." 


By early evening, we had gotten half of the wall up and we were hoping to get the rest of it by nightfall. 

As we were starting to erect another panel, we heard one of the members of the community let out a scream. 

Daryl and Glenn let go of the panel, following me to where the scream had come from and saw that there were numerous walkers coming out from the trees. 

I grabbed my knife while Daryl made a move to go help but Rick stopped him. 

"No. They need to know how to do it themselves." 

We stood still, watching as the walkers moved ever closer to the small cluster of Alexandrians that were basically just backing themselves into a corner. 

"Rick!" Carter said loudly, "Help us!"

Rick did nothing and moments passed and I saw Morgan's grip tighten on his stick and seconds later, he leapt into action. 

"Morgan!" Rick barked but the man didn't stop, running at the walkers and striking one with the end of his stick. 

"Go!" Daryl yelled and the two of us ran over to help him, grabbing one of the walkers closest to me and tossing it against the tree, which caused it's skull to collapse. 

When we were sure that we had taken care of them, Carter glared at the man who was in charge, "You're trying to get us killed!" 

"That's not true." Rick shook his head, "I'm trying to teach you." 

"Teach them?" I asked, "Rick, you can't just drop them in the thick of it. That's not how you teach them." 

He stared at me for a couple seconds and nodded, turning to all of them, "When we get back home, we'll get all of you in for some target practice. We will help you." 

I caught one of the woman's eyes and gave her a soft smile but by the way she looked away, something told me that she didn't trust any of us. 

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