Chapter Fifty Six.

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omg Negan is coming and I'm both excited and extremely nervous for the wellbeing of our group. Ya feel me?


So apparently, this 'Jesus' dude was from a place he called the Hilltop. It also emerged that he had taken quite a good look around when he was looking for Rick and he knew that while we had plenty of ammo, our food situation was the complete opposite.

"We have food," Jesus said from where he stood in front of Rick's window, "And livestock. We have enough to give you some. We can help each other out."

"What about you?" I asked, causing him to look at me, "What do you need?"

"Weapons. More specifically, guns."

"How do we know that you're telling the truth about this place?"

He smiled, "I'll take there. All of you. You need to meet with Gregory. He's our...leader, if you will."

Carol stood up and looked at Rick, "We need food. We have next to nothing."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Rick looked at Jesus again, "You make one wrong move and I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he gave him a smile, "I don't doubt that you will."

"Alright," Rick breathed, "We head out in twenty minutes."

Everyone got up and headed for the door, except from Rick, Michonne and Daryl, who went into the kitchen, leaving me with Jesus and the two of us sat in silence; the only thing making any noise was the clock on the mantlepiece.

Talk about awkward.

We shared a small smile before he cleared his throat, "So, this is a nice place that you've got here."

"Yeah," I agreed, "But it's not my place. I live across the street with me...Daryl."

"Oh," he mumbled, "You're Daryl's wife?"

"Yeah," I smiled, "So...this place you're from. Is it safe?"

"We have walls. We have fighters. Like I said, we just need guns."

"Well, lucky for you, we have guns."

He gave me a smile when from in the hallway, we heard Daryl call that he was going to go home and get his stuff together and I said a quick goodbye to the man in black before meeting him at the door.

"Do you think he's legit?" I asked, wrapping my arm around his, "'Cause I think I like him."

"I knew ye'd say that," he said quietly, "But we'll see if he is who he says he is 'nd then I'll make my judgement."

"Fair," I mumbled, "Isn't it a little bit strange to think that there are other groups out there that we don't know about? Strange but exciting."

"Also dangerous."

I huffed to myself, "You always like to put a damper on my good mood, don't you, Dixon?"

"Jus' bein' honest wi' ye', Dixon." he said in reply, giving me a smile when he saw my cheeks redden.

Hearing him call me that still affected me.


After getting our shit together, we met with those who were going by the gates and I was surprised to see just how many of us would be venturing out on this little adventure.

"Quite a few of us, huh?" Maggie muttered as she arrived with Glenn, taking the words right out of my mouth.

The only vehicle with enough room for us all to travel in was the RV, so one by one, we all climbed on and had an immature argument about who would be getting the best seats.

Maggie and Glenn won.

That left everyone else scattered all over the place; Jesus being stood up front in between Rick and Michonne so he could point them in the right direction.

I was sandwiched between both Daryl and Abraham, apologising every few seconds when I fell onto either of them due to the road's bumpy surface.

"That looks nice and cozy." Maggie grinned, making me glare at her just as my hand shot out to grip onto Daryl's knee to stable myself.

Abraham leant forward and muttered something to Glenn, something that I didn't quite catch but Glenn pulled back slightly as if in disbelief and since I didn't hear the first bit of the conversation, I grabbed my bag and tugged out the book I had shoved in.

"Wha's this one about?" Daryl asked, taking it from me, "Man wakes up and the world has ended. Really?"

"Hey," I defended, snatching it back from him, "I grabbed it at random."

He nodded and then the whole vehicle descended into silence, allowing me to start the book, my free hand taking Daryl's as I read.


Before long, the RV rolled to a stop and Daryl got up from the floor and peered out of the blinds, "What's goin' on?"

"There's a crash. Looks like it just happened."

Jesus stood up and bolted for the door, "That's one of ours."

Obviously, due to the concern of him lying, everyone followed and I saw that there was a car on its side and I slowly walked around, just to check if there was any survivors but all I could see was walkers. When I returned to the other side, I saw that Rick was pointing his gun at Jesus.

"If this is a trick," he began, "It won't end well for you."

"My people are in trouble," he replied, shaking his head, "They don't...we don't have a lot of fighters. I know how it looks but I'll play it by ear. Can I borrow a gun?"

"No," Daryl muttered, pointing to a spot on the ground, "We got tracks righ' here."

There was a building, it's sign completely gone, a couple of yards away from us and Rick turned to me and Maggie, "Stay here with him and keep an eye on him." He then looked at Jesus, "We'll find your people."

"Be careful." Maggie said quietly, looking at Glenn.

"Just hurry." Jesus pleaded.

"If you hear anything inside, gunfire, yelling. Shoot him."


The three of us watched silently as the group made their way towards the building and we both pointed our weapons at Jesus when they disappeared inside.

"Is this a trap?" I asked, ignoring Maggie's look, "You can tell us."

"No," he groaned, "I know you people have trust issues and I'm sure that there is a valid reason for that but really, you have to trust me."

"Until they come back, we don't have to do anything."

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