3. Who is That Boy?

Mulai dari awal

Ram: I thought there is no ragging in this college.

Abhimanyu: I have no idea.What are we supposed to do , report about it to the management.

Yash: I heard, it's for fun, not that much. We should be sporty and enjoy it. Nobody reports it.

              They ate their dinner and didn't worry much about the ragging. At 11 pm three of them knocked on the door 119. There were some 15 final year boys in that room.They all looked tired. Abhimanyu was sure they didn't have energy to rag them for long. They made them do some push ups and asked them to always bow to them for one week. They said it's a way of getting to know each other. Address seniors as sir and madam. They also told them that next evening all the freshers should collect on the ground so that seniors can get to know them.It was just a way seniors used to spot good looking freshers.

             Next morning Abhimanyu and his roommates rushed to their respective classrooms. Ram was in Computer Science with Abhimanyu but Yash was in Electronics and Telecommunications. In the evening all the freshers queued up with seniors addressing them.Seniors could pick anyone from the queue to rag.

            Senior girls looked at Abhimanyu and whispered," Damn that guy is so handsome. Couldn't he be in our batch." Then a senior girl pointed at him and said,"Hey ,you. Come here." Ram wished him good luck. The girl took him to a big group of girls. Yash was being ragged by another group of girls and many fresher's were still  standing in a queue. Girls had lined up on other side and were being ragged by senior boys. Yash wasn't really shy. He confident-ally walked to the group and showed a lot of courtesy and respect to them.

Abhimanyu: Good evening, madam.

Senior Girl: Which Branch?

Abhimanyu: Computer Science.

Another Girl: What can computer science do?

Abhimanyu decided to give interesting answers to entertain the senior girls.

 Abhimanyu: An automated program can be designed to decode the science of women mind.

All screamed with a smile.

Senior girl:Really. How?

Abhimanyu: There is an interesting pattern in which women mind functions. Once you get the understanding of the pattern. Translating it into a program and using it with medical machines, should do it.

Senior girl: What pattern do you observe in us?

Abhimanyu: You all are interested in ragging opposite sex.

Another senior girl: Oh, then talk on sex  for 1 min without stopping.

Abhimanyu felt a little shy but then all the senior girls started hooting.

Abhimanyu: Sex happens between opposite sexes of all the living creations. The universe is created in pairs though few exceptions always exist. It's a process that ensures the world to be there as long as living creations indulge in this pleasurable activity. Sex these days can happen between same sexes. Though that might be very safe as it will not result into anything, but if done without protection with multiple partners can cause undesirable STD's. This can..

Senior girl: Enough

Other girls: Too good Abhi...

Senior Girl: Do you have a girlfriend?

Abhimanyu: No, madam.

Senior Girl: Would you go out with a senior girl?

Abhimanyu: Age, no bar, madam. He said  with a mischievous smile.

Love Takes Time {Completed} {#Wattys2017}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang