"So?" Hera asks as they make a turn.

"So what are the chances of your meeting Peter Black at Mixx? Honey, he's an executive, no...the owner. He doesn't have time to deal with peasants," Jess says earning a slap on her shoulder from Hera.

Jess laughs.

"Hey, don't hate the messenger," Jess says.

"Plus you've not gotten the job yet so let's not get ahead of ourselves but if you get it take it as a sign that you were born to mingle with the Blacks" Jess says as Hera's phone rings.

"Hello?" Hera says picking up.

"How are you?" Jamie's voice asks through the phone.

"Good, on my way home from an interview," Hera says.

"You decided to stay?" He asks.

"For a month," Hera replies. Jess had fully convinced her to stay for at least a month to allow Shakespeare become acquainted with where her dad grew up.

Jess looks at her curiously wondering who she is speaking to. Hera notices and mouths,

"My brother Jamie,"

"What?" Jamie asks.

"Oh not you I was..." She starts but Jess snatches the phone from her hands.

"According to the U.S Code § 842, it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to withhold information likely to deceive. For withholding information on all my messages to your sister, for 5 years, I should sue you," Jess says.

Causing Hera's eyes to widen in shock.

What? She knew Jess was mad at Jamie but to actually sue him?

"I believe the full and correct code you're trying to quote is Code section 842 on Unlawful acts part  (a) (2) which states; It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to withhold information or to make any false or fictitious oral or written statement or to furnish or exhibit any false, fictitious, or misrepresented identification, intended or likely to deceive for the purpose of obtaining explosive materials, or a license, permit, exemption, or relief from disability under the provisions of this chapter" He says causing Jess' eyes to widen in surprise as she turns to look at Hera who starts laughing guessing what happened.

"Not only did you quote it wrongly, you used it in a false manner for reasons which are falsely accusing me, of which I can prove. I'll advise you to fully know and understand the facts and law before threatening to sue a lawyer," He says causing Jess to immediately cut the phone throwing it into Hera's laps.

"He's a lawyer?!" She asks Hera.

"Uncle Jamie is a lawyer too!" Shakespeare shouts in glee from the back jumping into the conversation causing Hera to laugh harder as they make a turn.

       Maeve walks into Lexis' office.

"Here are the files on Mixx you asked for," She says.

He collects them and opens the first one, glancing through it before flipping the page.

"Interviews started being held today," She says.

"Are these all the documents on it?" He asks.

"Yes," Maeve replies.

"And the file in your hands?" He asks halting the flipping of the page he is currently on.

She stays silent.

He tilts his head to look at her and raises an eyebrow.

"Maeve," He calls.

"It's not part of the documentation," She says holding onto it.

Lexis closes the document in his hand and leans back using two fingers to trace his lips as he stares at Maeve.

She hesitates then turns and starts walking to leave the office.

"Maeve..." Lexis calls out drawing her name stopping her midway.

Her shoulders fall in defeat. She turns and walks back towards him.

"I found it in a pile of documents to be sent to your dad," She says.

"Continue," Lexis says.

"At first I thought there was some sort of mistake since its for you and pertains to you,but I was told it was for your dad," She says.

"And?" He asks.

"I figured your dad has been handling it because you..." She pauses not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"Send it to my dad" He says abruptly and focuses back on his documents.

She sighs and turns to leave with the documents.

"Wait," He says holding onto the page he's about to flip over.

"What is it for?" He asks.

"Your house" She replies.

"My house?" He asks.

"Yes," She answers turning to leave once more.

"Wait!" He calls out.

"Drop it on my desk," He says.

She walks over, drops it on his desk next to the documents on Mixx and walks away.

Happy New month :-) I wonder if I can finish this book before the year ends...hmmmm

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