Meet The Admin: Whisper

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About Me:

I'm an artist who draws digitally. I animate and run a YouTube channel. On Wattpad I write books on my personal account and produce some spoof stories on another account called CloudtailGrandmas.

Admin-Related Questions:

1. Why did you become an admin of WattyWarriors?

I became an admin of WattyWarriors mostly because I have friends on here and I meet so many people that I always look up to.

2. What do you like most about being an admin?

Being able to talk to other people, the people who I look up to in Wattpad. Thank you for giving me that chance.

3. What do you like least about being an admin (if anything)?

I don't dislike anything here :3

4. Describe each one of your fellow admins in one word.

Ticci -The amazing artist and leader
Flash - Another amazing artist and she's very organized
Heather - Great idea maker for Roleplays.
Poppy - An amazing writer also doing NaNoWriMo
Thunder - The fun one :3 I like the sound of the games she plays
Duskie - The chill one
Aqua - Another amazing artist
Haunted - Good Roleplay host :3
Whisper - The rebel(Only one word XD)

5. What's your favorite segment in all of the magazines?

I really like the interviews because everyone gets to know the person getting interviewed better.

6. How do you come up with ideas for the magazine?

I have a creative mind or so I think. I just stare at something in nature and drink coffee or tea and magic, I have an idea.

7. Do you have a particular position/ job that you do as an admin?

Um, I think I do some writing on the magazines. I'm pretty sure that I do some interviews and overall I just check around.

8. Are you an admin on any other pages?

Yes, I'm an admin of CloudtailGrandmas where lots of people write spoof books. Where everyone is amazing and works their hardest to keep the account running.

I'm also an admin of EverythingWarriors where little Feather smol bean and another admins do stuff :3

I'm a founder of CatsofScience with Rio. She is an awesome friend to rely on. She's just an amazing writer to idolize.

9. Which of the other admins is your favorite?

If I really have to say, I would say Thunder, even not knowing about her until now, she's been very kind to me <3

I love all the admins however :3

10. How long have you been on WattyWarriors?

Approximately 4 days, which is 96 hours

Kind-of-Personal Questions:

1. What's your dream job?

My dream job is to be a Graphic Designer because I love drawing digitally!

2. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

If I had one wish, I would wish that I could stop time so I could do everything I needed on time XD.

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