Interview: XHopefulWishesX

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Say hello to Jo here! And remember, if you want to be an admin for WattyWarriors then do the interview with the link on our profile's comments by Sunday night!


1. What is your name? 

I go by Jo, but my real name starts with the letter G. I just don't feel comfortable sharing my real name. Why Jo? Well, Josephine is my middle name but I just go by Jo.

2. How would you describe yourself? 

Pfft, honestly, there are no words to describe me. I'm just that awesome!

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

Nope, but I would like to go to Prague someday.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!

What inspires me to write is pretty much anything I can base off of what has happened to me, what I can relate too, or what I fantasize about. Truly anything.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

How old was I? Well, I actually don't remember. It just came to me naturally one day. I just felt like writing a book.

6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?

I chose XHopefulWishesX because I wish about a lot of things and hope they come true. There really is no story behind it or how it represents me. I feel like it just gives a message to others that wishing hopefully is never a bad thing. It may just come true.

7. What is the first story you wrote that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad?

Oh gosh! There were a lot, but the one I remember the most is "The Ups and Downs of Life". Sadly, it is not on Wattpad. YET. It just needs a lot of editing and such.

8. Do you prefer to write a story in pencil on paper first? Or do you use a computer?

I use a computer. It just makes it feel more official and like I'm doing something productive. I'm sure that's how others feel with pencil and paper, but I just get this feeling like it will turn out great.

9. How did you find Wattpad, and what about it was the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

Well, there's this app I was on for a long time called PicCollage. I don't use it very much anymore. Anyway, my friend had posted something about a book and I asked her about it. She told me that she was writing it on Wattpad. That's how I discovered this. The reason I stayed on was because I was amazed by all the talented writings on here. Then when I found out I could write my own story, things just got better!

10. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, why is it your favorite, and would you suggest this book to others?

"It All Started With An Apple" is by far my most favorite book on here! It's my favorite because this girl who wants nothing to do with the guys at her school is forced by her friend to throw an apple in the cafeteria to see who her true love is. Now, since I don't want to spoil anything, you'll just have to read it to find out who she hits the apple with! I would totally recommend this book to others because it's amazing!

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and why?

Why ME of course! Jk! I don't actually have a favorite author on Wattpad. I just haven't gotten around to seeing who's writing I like the most or what style I'm really into since the vareity is so big!

12. How did you find out about Warriors, and what made you stick to the series?

In fourth grade, my sister introduced the series to me. Now I have to be honest, but at first I REFUSED to read it. But once I started reading it, I found that I couldn't put it down! All the suspense and adventure was enough to reel me in!

13. What is your favorite scene from any of the books, and why is it your favorite?

This is really hard! But I guess I would have to say that my favorite scene(I've got multiples) is the part where Brambleclaw/star says that he forgives Squirrelflight and how he knows now why she did it. It's so sweet and cute, plus I LOVE them together!

14. What inspired you to write Warriors fanfiction(s)?

I know this might sound ridiculous, but roleplaying made me want to write my own stories. I guess if I wanted these two cats to be together with the plan I had made for them, I would instead write a story about it than rather being upset that things hadn't gone my way. It's all about how I vision it and how I want it to be.

15. How many people do you know in person who also have read Warriors?

Only two XD My sister and my cousin!

16. Who is your favorite Warriors character from a FanFiction here on Wattpad?

I don't really. I've read multiple stories before, but I think all the characters I've read about have been good. I don't have a favorite though.

17. What tips would you like to give to any aspiring authors?

To all you young writers out there, don't just write a book, express how you feel or how you would do it. Write from your heart and not from you're head. Writing is a very hard talent to achieve because it's so difficult to keep that motivation. Writing can be a very beautiful thing, so make it special. Not just to you, but to every single person out there reading the words you wrote.

18. What would you say is the most important when writing a story?

Grammar. You have to, no need, perfect grammar. It's really hard to read stuff with lots of grammar errors, so make sure you go over everything after you've finished a chapter or page.

19. Tell us about any of your Warriors fanfiction(s), what it is about, and why we should read it.

I actually don't have a FanFiction up right now. I've been working on one, but it's not quite ready. I do, however, have a roleplay up!

20. Is there anything you'd like to say to your friends, fans and readers? Any shout-outs to specific Wattpad members?

I love all my followers, friends, and people who read all my books! I want to give a HUGE shout out to these two lovely and amazing friends @Warriors_Geek16 and @Megan12721 for being there for me through all my hard times and for always keeping me my happy self! Once again, THANK YOU!

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