Interview: lynxkitten65

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1. What is your name? (optional)

Well, my pen name is Silver.

2. How would you describe yourself? (in three sentences or more)

I am a quirky, crazy, sarcastic, insane, really crazy, demonic (my best friend says so, at least), really, really crazy person. I am seldom calm. I love writing, reading, playing video games, talking to friends, and just talking in general.

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

Yes. In fact, I've been to China, Japan, Korea, France, and USA. Do my friends count as interesting things? Because they are very interesting.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!

My friends inspire me to write. Also, other fanfiction authors inspire me. My friends encourage me to write the most, though.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

Uh...I don't remember. I have moments. But this writing spree has started since fifth grade, inspired by my love for reading. When I was younger, I always dreamed of being a writer.

6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?

I was making a username for the game Spirit Animals on the scholastic site, and since I loved cats more than anything and I was doing a project on lynxes, I decided to choose the username. They pick out the number for you automatically, and I was glad that it was a good number. Then I just decided to use it for my Wattpad account. So it does represent my love for both cats and online games.

7. What is the first story you wrote that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad?

The first story ever, as in any category would be when I was assigned to write one in first grade. But the first story that actually has a plot was made with my friends @Brooke_Writer and @The_leafy_forest. We had most of the plot planned, but left it after we started to lose contact. When we started talking about it again, we made some tweaks and now it is on Wattpad. The first book is on @Brooke_Writer's account, and the second is on mine.

8. Do you prefer to write a story in pencil on paper first? Or do you use a computer?

Depends on my mood. And my surroundings. If I have a computer ready, I'll type it. But if I only have a pen and paper, I'll write manually.

9. How did you find Wattpad, and what about it was the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

I don't remember how I found Wattpad, but I remember that I stayed because I found the concept of having other people read your work interesting.

10. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, why is it your favorite, and would you suggest this book to others?

I have so many! You can't possibly make me choose...but one of them is 50 ways to get kicked out of Jayfeather's Den. It's funny, and it made me laugh, and that's a hard thing to do!

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and why?

I really can't choose on this one.

12. How did you find out about Warriors, and what made you stick to the series?

I found it in my school library, and I decided to pick it up! I found how it told the story in a cats point of view cool, so I read it. That was when I was in second grade.

13. What is your favorite scene from any of the books, and why is it your favorite?

Probably when in Scourge kills Firestar. It actually made me scared for a second before I remembered that he had nine lives!

14. What inspired you to write Warriors fanfiction(s)?

I've said this over and over again. Friends.

15. How many people do you know in person who also have read Warriors?


16. Who is your favorite Warriors character from a FanFiction here on Wattpad?

Silverpaw from Rivers Descending ;)

17. What tips would you like to give to any aspiring authors?

Write your heart out. Pour out your thoughts. It's your work. It's your writing. Be proud of it.

18. What would you say is the most important when writing a story?

Making sure that you like it and don't get off track. If you lose your interest in your own writing, you'll most likely scrap it.

19. Tell us about any of your Warriors fanfiction(s), what it is about, and why we should read it.

It's about two cats who are in an interesting period of time in the clans. I don't want to spoil it, so that's all I'm going to say. I think you should read it because parts of it happened in real life, and it's got a certain type of humor to it that I don't think you would find in just any book. It's a joint book too, so it's different.

20. Is there anything you'd like to say to your friends, fans and readers? Any shout-outs to specific Wattpad members?

If I've got any fans, thank you for being my fans. If I've got any readers, it's a HUGE THANK YOU. And to my friends, I want to thank you all for being such an inspiration to me.

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