Meet the Admin: Ticci

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About Me
Hi! I'm @Ticcinsu, known as Ticci! I'm a pretty awesome and *cough* humble person! I've been on Wattpad for around 2 years now, and I have artbooks from 2014 to the present day! Uhm. Yep! xD I draw CATS. I also run the Roleplay here with Chrona. I'm on my church's youth worship band, so yeah. c: I'm a guitarist, and song-writer. I'm also a singer and had 8 years of drum lessons! I'm 16, and I'm a Junior in High-School, though my graduation is delayed because school is mean and didn't accept my homeschool credits. Cx Onward!

Admin-Related Questions

1. Why did you become an admin of WattyWarriors?

I applied once, but Mici and Curl were accepted. Then I applied again, and what do you know, bam.

*whispers* and Tiger is awesome #goodietwoshoes

2. What do you like most about being an admin?

I like being able to help. :D I like being able to take part in things that I was unable to take part in!

3. What do you like least about being an admin (if anything)?

Blaze is bad mother
but I love you anyway <3 (OMG they've been here for like half an hour who told them these lies?! TIGERRRRRRR!!! ~Blaze) (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU -Ticci) (#Blazeforbasedmom)

4. Describe each one of your fellow admins in one word.

Curl: Fabulous

5. What's your favorite segment in all of the magazines?

Warrior Of The Week - Eyup

6. How do you come up with ideas for the magazine?

I do something called thinking. :D

7. Do you have a particular position/ job that you do as an admin?

I do the Roleplay as stated above. I do other things, but mainly the Roleplay

8. Are you an admin on any other pages?

Thistleclan, yup, Thistleclan

9. Which of the other admins is your favorite?

Curl and Chrona because Curl is my little Curly Fry and Chrona because yes

((I'm crying Q-Q))((Have a tissue c: -Ticci))

10. How long have you been on WattyWarriors?

About 15 hours? *whispers*

Kind-of-Personal Questions

1. What's your dream job?

Musician or Graphic Artist!

2. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

Lots of breadsticks. I love breadsticks.

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel and why?


4. Which of your parents is the more commanding? Which is more relaxed and laid-back? Which do you like better?

MY MOM. Most laid-back, relaxed, but SO COMMANDING. I like her too because Step-dad doesn't like me *sob* c:

5. Tell us about your family. Siblings? Pets? (your dog (CAT) is most definitely family. Your goldfish counts too, I guess)

I have a twin. And two younger siblings who are twins. An two older siblings who are not twins. I have a Cat. And two doges. And a step-dadio and Mother.

6. What would you consider the most important thing on your bucket list?

Conquering my fear of heights

7. If you had to pick one animal to call your "spirit animal" which would it be? (Mythological creatures not included)


8. If you had to pick one mythological creature that you belive best represents you, what would you pick? (Harry Potter creatures allowed, real animals not allowed)

A GRYFFINDOR (Gryffindors are technically not animals XD ~Blaze) (hush mum -Ticci)

9. What type of music is your favorite? What type of music would your worst enemy tie you to a chair and force you to listen to?

Rock o3o My worst enemy would torture me with *shudder* country

10. Describe your family/ family life in ten words.

Okay. Eventful. Laid-back. Normal. I don't have any other words? We are actually all crazy.

11. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what one item would you bring? Why?

I would probably bring a sketchbook. I can draw while I slowly fade away from existence. Yep. That's how I roll.

12. Do you have any regrets about your life so far and how you have lived it? Is there anything you plan on doing differently?

Not really...Everything that happens molds us into who we are. So, I really don't regret anything,

13. Y.O.L.O. Elaborate your feelings when encountered with this acronym.

Y'ALL ARE STUPID. Would you really jump off a bridge?! YOU. ONLY. LIVE. ONCE. So live for as long as possible. ;-;

14. Who is your idol? Who is the person you look up to the most? Whose ideals and ideas you follow and whose ever action you admire.

Jesus. I'm religious so I'm not going to continue with this.

15. What do you most fear? Why?

I fear being forgotten. I fear that one day, no one will remember me, and I'll just be that black-and-white person surrounded in screaming color.

16. If you knew you only had a day left to live, what would you spend your last few hours doing?

Write music. It's my life. Why not leave behind a song for someone special.

17. If you could live one day or moment over and over again, what day/moment would it be? Why?

The day I started dating my ex. Three days after I found out I was moving. It broke my heart when he decided long distance wouldn't work. I wish I never told him yes. Things would be normal. We wouldn't be ignoring each other.

18. Where do you find peace? (bedroom, outside....)

When I play my guitar, I find peace.

19. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

'Don't ever give up on being your best.'

20. What can you not live without the most? If you had to go without that one thing for longer than a week, would you be able to?

My guitar. My mom doesn't ground me from my phone because I wouldn't give a care. My guitar? Yeah. No. I care.

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