Interview: crystal0sky

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1. What is your name? (optional)

Greta (Tula) and Sky(Greta is answering the questions)

2. How would you describe yourself? (in three sentences or more)

Greta: I would say pretty creative and solitary. I like having friends but I'd rather be alone, I'm just that kind of person

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

Greta: I've been to Germany, when I was three, and I remember a large castle and that about it.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!

Greta: I think books and nature most inspire me to write. I create things off other ideas or things I see.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

Greta: Actually, four. I would always write in preschool.

6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?

Both: it's Old OC names we had, and wanted to create a collab account. So we sorta just fused them :)

7. What is the first story you wrote that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad?

Greta: it's my first art and Poetry book, and no it is not.

8. Do you prefer to write a story in pencil on paper first? Or do you use a computer?

Greta: computer. I don't like when I misplace things so I like to be organized.

9. How did you find Wattpad, and what about it was the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

Greta: I think it was from my moms friends daughter that I found out about it through.

10. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, why is it your favorite, and would you suggest this book to others?

Greta: I'd say @Br0kenkitten's art book, I love her style and her creativity.

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and why?

Greta: Hmm... I haven't read much for awhile, but I know that it's an original idea (not warriors fanfic or something)

12. How did you find out about Warriors, and what made you stick to the series?

Greta: Found it in the school library in first grade! Fell in love. With the characters and ideas and such.

13. What is your favorite scene from any of the books, and why is it your favorite?

Greta: Just about the entire Crookedstar book!

14. What inspired you to write Warriors fanfiction(s)?

Greta: I don't really know XD

15. How many people do you know in person who also have read Warriors?

Greta: Many. Over ten.

16. Who is your favorite Warriors character from a FanFiction here on Wattpad?

Greta: Echomist in @PastelandEcho 's books. She's caring and fierce at the same time.

17. What tips would you like to give to any aspiring authors?

Greta: Develop your own style, and generate ideas from other things. Most of my ideas were based off of stuff I've seen or heard of. It's easier to start a story with a strong plot line and add details later.

18. What would you say is the most important when writing a story?

Greta: Focus on what you like and don't worry about what other people think! And again, develop your own style!

19. Tell us about any of your Warriors fanfiction(s), what it is about, and why we should read it.

Greta: In processing we have one called New World, I think? Not sure the title. But the one published isn't our main focus, but if you want to check it out and leave comments on things to improve it would be appreciated. When New World book thingy is published you should check it out- it's great so far.

20. Is there anything you'd like to say to your friends, fans and readers? Any shout-outs to specific Wattpad members?

Greta: SHOUTOUT TO MY PERSONAL And my friends and

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