Meet the Admin: Haunted

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About Me

Hello, I'm Haunted! You might have seen a glimpse of me if you dropped by the roleplay in the past, but if not, no worries. I've been on Wattpad for four years between accounts, but I believe I'm staying with my current one ( Haunted_Shadows_ ). So, let's get on with this. Who am I? Call me the blonde that I am, but the life of a highschool senior isn't as easy as one might have earlier believed. Though my life is a mess between extracurriculars such as sports and clubs, editing and writing, I'm a very organized person. That's really all you need to know except for me being a spelling & grammar freak. Very uninteresting, I know. Much creativity. Memes for days. 10/10 would rate again. Morgan Freeman is my life.

Admin-Related Questions

1. Why did you become an admin of WattyWarriors?

Actually, it was a bit of a surprise for me as much as it was for most of you. I kind of just clicked on a chapter posted from the roleplay and BOOM I was an admin. Now you people can have fun imagining me choking on ramen as I read the news in a mixture of confusion and happiness.

I actually applied the previous time admin applications were open ( July 2016 ), but wasn't accepted. So now you people can't say that you have no chance of becoming an admin because look where I came from.

2. What do you like most about being an admin?

Organization for sure. Then again, I don't really have much to do thanks to Ticci, Flash, and Chrona.

3. What do you like least about being an admin (if anything)?

I realized that taking on admin accounts takes up your writing time. Oh well.

4. Describe each one of your fellow admins in one word.

Ticci: Smh ( smh queen )

Flash: Facemasks

Tiger: Initiation ( at least what I've been told )

Duskie: Poof

5. What's your favorite segment in all of the magazines?

The interviews, actually. I like learning new things about people.

6. How do you come up with ideas for the magazine?

The secret? My 3am thoughts of insanity.

7. Do you have a particular position/ job that you do as an admin?

I'm a roleplay admin ^•^

8. Are you an admin on any other pages?

Yes, actually! What are they? Here's two: Decade and TheTribe_TP_SC

9. Which of the other admins is your favorite?

Hmm, I'd have to say Ticci. I've known her the longest, but I think she understands the struggle of organization.

10. How long have you been on WattyWarriors?

I believe it was Sunday night. Do the math and post it below :)

Kind-of-Personal Questions

1. What's your dream job?

A surgeon or something in the medical field. Bring on the gore!

2. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

For people to learn proper grammar. It's my pet peeve.

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